PCR primers cp rbcL

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PCR primers


rbcL (atpB-rbcL-trnR-zfpA)

Table. Sequences (5’–3’) of synthetic primers used for PCR amplification and sequencing of the rbcL gene. The primer numbers from 5’ end correspond to rough positions in the sequence of Marchantia polymorpha (Ohyama et al. 1986).
Analyzed region Forward / Reverse Primer name Sequence (5'–3') References For
atpB-rbcL Forward atpB1011 GATCTACTAC TTTAATTCCT GT Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
atpB-rbcL Forward atpB370 AGTTGAATCT AAAGGATCTA C Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
atpB-rbcL Forward atbB175R TGTTGAACTT CACAAGTAAC A Manhart (1994) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL−130 ACAATGATAC TGTTTGTTAT AG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL−73 ATACCAAAGA TGTTTTTTTA TAAG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL−53h TCGAGTAGAC CTTATCCTTG C Inoue & Tsubota (2014) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL-26Fmas[1] AAGTCCCTCC CTACGAATCAA Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL-26Fh[1] TATTAATTGA TTTGTAGGGA GG Masuzaki et al. (2011) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward HrL1 ATGTCACCAC AAACGGAGAC TAAAGCAGG Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes (Frullania etc.), Vascular plants (Sisymbrium, Acer etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL7 TGGATTTAAA GCTGGTGTTA AAG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes (Frullania etc.), Vascular plants (Sisymbrium, Acer, Pinus etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL39Fmas AAAGCTGGTG TTAAAGATTA Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL111Fmas GCAGCATTTC GTATGAC Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL152 GAATCCTCCA CTGGTACATG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL218h GACGATGCTA TGATCTCGAA GC Tsubota et al. (2000) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL256 GCTATGATCT TGAAGCAGTT CCTGGAGAAG Tsubota et al. (2000) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL333mas AATCAATATA TTGCTTATGT Masuzaki et al. (2011) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL265 ATTGCTTATG TTGCTTATCC Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL557 GGTAGAGCTG TATATGAATG TCTTCGTGGT GG Tsubota et al. (2000) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL549 TGTCTTCGTG GTGGAC Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes (Frullania etc.), Vascular plants (Sisymbrium, Pinus etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL634Fmas ATGCGTTGGA GAGA Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL862h1s CAATGCATGC AGTTATTGA Nakamura et al. (2022) Vascular plants (Acer etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL862 CAATGCATGC AGTTATTGAC Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium, Pinus etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL919G CATGGTATGC ATTTCCGTGT A Tsubota et al. (2001) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL920Fmas CATGGTATGC ATTTCCGTGT Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes (Liverworts (Frullania etc.)), Vascular plants (Pinus etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL921G GGTATGCATT TCCGTGTATT AGC Tsubota et al. (2001) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL968G GAGATCATAT TCACGCTGGT AC Tsubota et al. (2001) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL1117 GGTATTCATG TTTGGC Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium etc.)
rbcL Forward rbcL1220 GGAGCAGTTG CTAATAGAG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Forward rbcL1276 GGACGTGATC TTGCTCG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL-trnR-zfpA Reverse zfpA546R ATGATATCCA CATTCTTCAC A Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium etc.)
rbcL-trnR Reverse trnRn GGGTTAGAAG GGATTCGAAC CCTTGAC Manhart (1994); Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium etc.)
rbcL-trnR Reverse trnR66R GAAGGGATTC GAACCCTTG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL-trnR Reverse trnR24R CTCTAATCCA CTGAGCTACA Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse rbcL1346hR GCAGCTAATT CAGGACTCC Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes (Frullania etc.)
rbcL Reverse rbcL1301RL CTTCATTACG TGCTTGTACA CAAGCTTCTA Inoue et al. (2011) Bryophytes (Frullania etc.), Vascular plants (Sisymbrium, Acer etc.)
rbcL Reverse rbcL1145R TTAATGCTGG CATATGCCAA AC Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium etc.)
rbcL Reverse rbcL1098R AACACCTGGT AAAGAAACC Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse ArbcL-MR TGACGTTCTC CTTCAAGTTT ACCTACTAC Murakami et al. (1999) Ferns, Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse rbcL989R CTACGGTACC AGCGTGAATA TGGTCTCCAC CGG Tsubota et al. (2000) Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse rbcL957R GCGTGAATAT GGTCTCCACC Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse HrL911R[2] CGTGCAATGC ATGCAGTTAT TGATAGACA Masuzaki et al. (2011) Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse HrL911Rtm[3] TGTCTATCAA TAACTGCATG CATTGCACG Phan et al. (2021) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Dysphania etc.)
rbcL Reverse rbcL804hR TGCAGTAAAA CCACCTG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium etc.)
rbcL Reverse rbcL650Rmas CGATCTCTCC AACGCA Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes (Frullania etc.), Vascular plants (Sisymbrium, Acer etc.)
rbcL Reverse rbcL600R[4] GTGAAATCAA GTCCACCACG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium, Pinus etc.)
rbcL Reverse rbcL302Rmas ACATAAGCAA TATATTGATT Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse HrL260R[5][6] ATATCATAGC ATCGACCTTT GTAACGATC Inoue et al. (2011) Bryophytes, Vascular plants (Sisymbrium etc.)
rbcL Reverse rbcL270R GCAATATATT GATTTTCTTC TCCAG Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse rbcL199R GGTAAGTCCA TCAGTCCAAA C Tsubota et al. (1999) Bryophytes
rbcL Reverse rbcL128Rmas GTCATACGAA ATGCTGC Masuzaki et al. (2010) Bryophytes

cp atpB gene, atpB-rbcL region and rbcL gene

Table. Sequences (5’–3’) of synthetic primers used for PCR amplification and sequencing of the atpB gene, atpB-rbcL region and rbcL gene. The primer numbers from 5’ end correspond to rough positions in the sequence of Marchantia polymorpha (Ohyama et al. 1986).
Analyzed region Forward / Reverse Primer name Sequence (5'–3') References For
atpB-rbcL Forward PZatpB1334R GGAGAACCCG TAAATACTTC TGCTA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Forward PZatpB1226R CCAAGAATAG CTATAATATC TTGA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Forward PZatpB1157R TCATAATGTT CTTCACCAAC GA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Forward PZatpB1061R CTTGATAGTA CGGTAGTA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Forward PZatpB911R GTACTAAGGG TAGGTTGATA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Forward PZatpB557R ATCAATTCCA TAATGAGTA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Forward PZatpB212R TTTCCTAATA ATTGCTGTAC CTCACA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Reverse PrL728RL GTAGCATTCA AGTAATGCCC TTTGATTTCA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Reverse Rbc60Lh3s CAGGAGTATA ATAAGTCA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Reverse PZatpB184F ACTTGTGAGG TACAGCAATT ATTAGGA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Reverse PZatpB538F GTACTCATTA TGGAATTGA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)
atpB-rbcL Reverse PZatpB1042F GCTACTACCG TACTATCA Nakamura et al. (2023) Vascular plants (Lonicera etc.)

Example of primer pairs for PCR

  • rbcL-53h & trnR24R (for rbcL gene)
  • HrL1 & rbcL1346hR (for rbcL gene)
  • rbcL7 & rbcL1301RL (for rbcL gene)
  • HrL1 & rbcL1301RL (for rbcL gene)
  • PZatpB1334R-PrL728RL (for atpB-rbcL)


  1. 1.0 1.1 The PCR primer "rbcL-26Fmas" of Table 1 in Masuzaki et al. (2010a) was published with the sequences based on mistranscription of the sequences data, which should be rectified as "5'-TATTAATTGA TTTGTAGGGA GG-3'". In avoiding future confusion we gave a new name to the sequences (rbcL-26Fh: 5'-TATTAATTGA TTTGTAGGGA GG-3').
  2. Masuzaki et al.(2011)のHrL911Rの配列は5'-CGTGCAATGC ATGCAGTTAT TGATAGACA-3'となっているが,実際に用いたものはHrL911Rtmの配列.
  3. Masuzaki et al.(2011)の配列を訂正
  4. Masuzaki et al. (2011)のrbcL600Rの配列は5'-CGTGGTGGAC TTGATTTCAC-3'となっているが,誤り.
  5. Inoue et al. (2011)では,Masuzaki et al. (2010)が初出となっているが,実際にはInoue et al. (2011)が初出.
  6. The first appearance of this primer was in Table 1 of Inoue et al. (2011), and the footnote in Inoue et al. (2011) should be requested to make the corrections as the following: correct: “(published here)” and incorrect: “published by Masuzaki et al. (2010)”.



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