Asexual reproduction
提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
ナビゲーションに移動検索に移動asexual reproduction
- 無性生殖(日本語)
- (Español)
Glossary of "The Cell (5th ed.)" by Alberts et al. (2008)
- Any type of reproduction (such as budding in ‘Hydra’, binary fission in bacteria, or mitotic division in eukaryotic microorganisms) that does not involve the mixing of two different genomes. Produces individuals that are genetically identical to the parent.
Glossary of "Plant Biology (1st ed.)" by Graham et al. (2003)
- Reproduction that does not involve fusion of gametes or meiosis, and which generates progeny that are genetically identical to the parent.
Glossary of "Biology (3rd ed.)" by Hardin & Bajema (1978)
- Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J. Raff, M., Roberts, K. & Walter P. 2008. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th ed. -xxxiv + 1616 pp. Garland Science, New York.
- Graham, L. E., Graham, J. M. & Wilcox, L. W. 2003. Plant Biology. -xxxv + 497 pp. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River.
- Hardin, G. & Bajema, C. 1978. Biology, its Principles and Implications, third edition. -x + 790 pp. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco.