坪田・北村・上田・池田・久保・根平 2018

提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
2022年10月23日 (日) 19:05時点におけるChubo (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (→‎坪田ほか(2018))


  • 坪田博美・北村祐貴・上田美佐子・池田誠慈・久保晴盛・根平達夫. 2018. 広島の帰化植物9.広島県宮島で生育が確認された外来植物クサニンジンボク(シソ科). Hikobia 17(4): 329-336. [Tsubota, H., Kitamura, Y., Ueda, M., Ikeda, S., Kubo, H., Nehira, T. 2018. Notes on alien plants in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan: 9. A naturalized shrub Vitex negundo var. incisa (Lamiaceae) newly confirmed on Miyajima Island. Hikobia 17(4): 329-336. (in Japanese with English Abstract)]



Tsubota, H., Kitamura, Y., Ueda, M., Ikeda, S., Kubo, H. & Nehira, T. 2018. Notes on alien plants in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan: 9. A naturalized shrub Vitex negundo var. incisa (Lamiaceae) newly confirmed on Miyajima Island. Hikobia 17: 329–336.

An alien shrub species, Chinese chaste tree, Vitex negundo L. var. incisa (Lam.) C.B.Clarke [Lamiaceae] is newly confirmed on Miyajima (Itsukushima) Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, south-western Japan. This species was found with other alien plants Triadica sebifera (L.) Small [Euphorbiaceae] and Erechtites hieraciifolius (L.) Raf. ex DC. [Asteraceae] in a waste dumping site located near low human-impacted evergreen forests in a buffer zone of the world heritage listed site. Although V. negundo var. incisa and its allies were introduced into Japan for horticultural and pharmaceutical applications, there have been few reports they are naturalized species in Japan. Here we present the growing conditions of this species in Miyajima Island and discuss the potential effect for the integrity of the natural vegetation as an unpalatable plant of sika deer, Cervus nippon.


  • p. 333, 右, 40行目: 「Small」トル・ツメル