半田 堀口 大村 樋口 2013

提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
2014年7月1日 (火) 06:38時点におけるChubo (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「= 半田ほか (2013) = == 文献(出典)== * 半田信司・堀口健雄・大村嘉人・樋口正信. 2013. 日本新産の気生渦鞭毛藻類''Rufusiella insi...」)
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半田ほか (2013)


  • 半田信司・堀口健雄・大村嘉人・樋口正信. 2013. 日本新産の気生渦鞭毛藻類Rufusiella insignis (Hassal) Loeblich III (グロエオジニウム科, フィトジニウム目). Hikobia 16: 311-xxx. [Handa, S., Horiguchi, T., Ohmura, Y. & Higuchi, M. 2013. Rufusiella insignis (Gloeodiniaceae, Phytodiniales), an aerial Dinoflagellate newly found in Japan. Hikobia 16:311-xxx.]



Handa, S., Horiguchi, T., Ohmura, Y. & Higuchi, M. 2013. Rufusiella insignis (Gloeodiniaceae, Phytodiniales), an aerial Dinoflagellate newly found in Japan. Hikobia 16:311-xxx. (in Japanese with English abstract)

Rufusiella insignis (Hassal) Loeblich III, is newly found in Japan. Although dinoflagellates are generally aquatic, it is known that Rufusiella insignis exceptionally grows in aerial environments as well as in soil on land. In Japan, however, this species was found on Trentepohlia, an aerial alga that grows on land, bryophytes and lichens. Especially the species forms dense macroscopic colonies consisting of dozens of algae on the surface of lichens. The habitat of the species on the terrestrial organism is reported for the first time.


広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 にもどる