坪田・池田・井上・内田・向井 2015
- 坪田博美・池田誠慈・井上侑哉・内田慎治・向井誠二. 2015. 広島県のモロコシソウLysimachia sikokiana Miq.の現状について. Hikobia 17(1): 81-88.
- Tsubota, H., Ikeda, S., Inoue, Y., Uchida, S. & Mukai, S. 2015. Current status of Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan. Hikobia 17(1): 81-88. (in Japanese)
- 葉緑体trnL-trnF領域用のプライマーを発表した.
Tsubota, H., Ikeda, S., Inoue, Y., Uchida, S. & Mukai, S. 2015. Current status of Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan. Hikobia 17: 81-88.
Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) is rare in the Seto Inland Sea area, SW Japan, and has been listed as an RDB species of Hiroshima Prefecture. This species is currently known in its natural habitat from one locality only in Miyajima Island. The plants on Miyajima Island were growing vigorously at a forest edge as well as in an unstable crown gap site in an evergreen broad-leaved forest, as previously reported by Mukai et al. (1999). Sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (nr ITS) and chloroplast trnL–trnF intergenic spacer (cp trnL–trnF) for this species were obtained for developing DNA barcoding for species identification and to reveal its phylogenetic position.
- MEDIA:坪田・池田他2015モロコシソウHikobia17_81-88small2.compressedA.pdf(前半)
- MEDIA:坪田・池田他2015モロコシソウHikobia17_81-88small2.compressedB.pdf(後半)
- モロコシソウ
- 広島県宮島のモロコシソウの保全活動
- 小山克輝・ファン=クイン=チ・内田真治・中原-坪田美保・坪田博美. 2022. 広島県のモロコシソウの生育状況について―2022年時点の状況―. Hikobia 18: 265-272.
- 坪田博美・池田誠慈・井上侑哉・内田慎治・向井誠二. 2015. 広島県のモロコシソウLysimachia sikokiana Miq.の現状について. Hikobia 17(1): 81-88. [Tsubota, H., Ikeda, S., Inoue, Y., Uchida, S. & Mukai, S. 2015. Current status of Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan. Hikobia 17(1): 81-88.]
- 平原友紀・久保晴盛・木村茉南美・向井誠二・坪田博美. 2010(2011). 広島県植物誌(1997)以降に広島県廿日市市宮島から報告された種子植物. 広島大学総合博物館研究報告 2: 57-63.
- 向井誠二・坪田博美・中原美保・関太郎・豊原源太郎・出口博則. 1999. 広島県におけるモロコシソウ(Lysimachia sikokiana Miq.)の現状とその保護について. Hikobia 13: 31-34.[Mukai, S., Tsubota, H., Nakahara, M., Seki, T., Toyohara, G. & Deguchi, H. 1999. Habitat of Lysimachia sikokiana Miq (Primulaceae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, Western Japan. Hikobia 13: 31-34.]
広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 にもどる