Tsubota Arikawa Akiyama DeLuna Gonzalez Higuchi Deguchi 2002
Tsubota et al. (2002)
- Tsubota, H., Arikawa, T., Akiyama, H., De Luna, E., Gonzalez, D., Higuchi, M. & Deguchi, H. 2002. Molecular phylogeny of hypnobryalean mosses as inferred from a large-scale dataset of chloroplast rbcL, with special reference to the Hypnaceae and possibly related families. Hikobia 13: 645-665.
- 腋セン類,とくにハイゴケ科とその周辺科について葉緑体rbcL遺伝子の塩基配列にもとづいた系統解析を行い,目内の関係について議論した.
Tsubota, H., Arikawa, T., Akiyama, H., De Luna, E., Gonzalez, D., Higuchi, M. & Deguchi, H. 2002. Molecular phylogeny of hypnobryalean mosses as inferred from a large-scale dataset of chloroplast rbcL, with special reference to the Hypnaceae and possibly related families. Hikobia 13: 645-665.
Phylogenetic relationships within the hypnobryalean mosses (i.e., the Hypnales, Leucodontales, and Hookeriales) have been the focus of much attention in recent years. Here we present phylogenetic inferences on this large clade, and especially on the Hypnaceae and possibly related families, based on maximum likelihood analysis of 181 rbcL sequences. Our study corroborates that (1) the Hypnales (s. str. [= sensu Vitt 1984]) and Leucodontales are each not monophyletic entities. The Hypnales and Leucodontales together comprise a well supported sister clade to the Hookeriales; (2) the Sematophyllaceae (s. lat. [= sensu Tsubota et al. 2000, 2001a, b]) and Plagiotheciaceae (s. str. [= sensu present]) are each resolved as monophyletic groups, while no paticular clade accommodates all members of the Hypnaceae and Cryphaeaceae; and (3) the Hypnaceae as well as its type genus Hypnum itself were polypheletic. These results do not concur with the systems of Vitt (1984) and Buck and Vitt (1986), who suggested that the groups with a single costa would have diverged from the hypnalean ancestor at an early evolutionary stage, follwed by the groups with a double costa (see also Tsubota et al. 1999; Buck et al. 2000). Our results from likelihood analyses of a large rbcL data set confirm the suggestion by smaller data sets from multiple loci first by De Luna et al. (2000) and then Buck et al. (2000) that there is no evidence for supporting the Hypnales (s. str. [= sensu Vitt 1984]) and Leucodontales. A detailed reconsideration of ordinal classification and familial classification within the Hypnidae is now necessary.
坪田博美・有川智己・秋山弘之・Efraín De luna・Dolores González・樋口正信・出口博則. 2002. 葉緑体rbcL遺伝子の大データセットに基づく腋蘚類とくにハイゴケ科とその周辺科の分子系統学的研究. Hikobia 13: 645–665.
ハイゴケ目・イタチゴケ目・アブラゴケ目を含む腋蘚類の系統関係を葉緑体rbcL遺伝子の181の配列を含む大データセットに基づいて解析を行った.解析の結果,ハイゴケ目とイタチゴケ目が一つの大きなクレードを形成したDe Luna他(2000)およびBuck他(2000)の結果を支持したが,Vitt(1984)のハイゴケ目およびイタチゴケ目の単系統性は支持されなかった.
- MEDIA:Tsubota_et_al_2002_Hikobia_13_645to665_Hypnales_S_OCR.pdf
- MEDIA:Tsubota_et_al_2002_Hikobia_13_645to665_Hypnales_S.pdf
- http://filogenetica.org/deluna_pdfs/02Hypnales.pdf
広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 にもどる