Suzuki Inoue Tsubota 2015
提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
ナビゲーションに移動検索に移動Suzuki et al. (2015)
- Suzuki, T., Inoue, Y. & Tsubota, H. 2015. Diphyscium (Diphysciaceae, Bryopsida) species newly found in Japan. Hattoria 6: 63-73.
- 蘚類イクビゴケ属Diphysciumの新種を記載した.また,日本新産種も報告した.
- イクビゴケ属Diphysciumの検索表あり.
Suzuki, T., Inoue, Y. & Tsubota, H. 2015. Diphyscium (Diphysciaceae, Bryopsida) species newly found in Japan. Hattoria 6: 63-73.
Two species of Diphyscium are added to the moss flora of Japan. D. yakushimense is new to science. D. malayense which was previously considered a synonym of D. mucronifolium, is recognized as a good species and added to the moss flora of Japan.