提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
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Glossary of "Ecology (6th ed.)" by Krebs (2009)
- extensive area of natural, dry grassland; usually used in reference to grasslands in southwestern Asia and southeastern Europe; equivalent to prairie in North American usage.
Glossary of "The Evolution of Plants (2nd ed.)" by Willis & McElwain (2014)
- Vegetation dominated by grasslands in temperate regions where the precipitation: evaporation rate is too low to enable trees to grow.
- Krebs, C. J. 2009. Ecology, 6th ed. -xvi + 655 pp. Pearson Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco.
- Willis, K. J. & McElwain, J. C. 2014. The Evolution of Plants, 2nd ed. -ix + 398 pp. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
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