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Glossary of Ecology (6th ed.) by Krebs (2009)
- absence of fluctuations in populations; ability to withstand perturbations without large changes in composition.
Glossary of "Evolution (4th ed.)" by Futuyma & Kirkpatrick (2017)
- Often used to mean constancy; more often in this book, the propensity to return to a condition (a stable equilibrium) or to one of several such conditions (multiple stable equilibria) after displacement from that condition.
- Futuyma, D. J. & Kirkpatrick, M. 2017. Evolution, 4th ed. -xviii + 602 pp. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland.
- Krebs, C. J. 2009. Ecology, 6th ed. -xvi + 655 pp. Pearson Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco.