提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
- 節,ノード.枝の端点.(日本語)
- (Español)
Glossary of "Cladistics (2nd ed.)" by Kitching et al. (1998)
Glossary of "Plant Systematics (1st ed.)" by Simpson (2006)
- (a) The point of attachment of a leaf to a stem. (stem/shoot parts) (b) The region of stem at which leaf, leaves, or branches arise. (twig part) (c) The point of divergence of one clade into two; the point in time and space of the most common ancestor of the two divergent clades.
Glossary of "Life (9th ed.)" by Sadava et al. (2011)
Glossary of "A Botanist's Vocabulary" by Pell & Angell (2016)
- Area of leaf attachment on the stem, may have a leaf, leaf scar, or branch.
- Antonym: internode.
- Kitching, I. J., Forey, P. L. Humphries, C. J. & Williams, D. M. 1998. Cladistics, 2nd ed.: the Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis. -xii + 228 pp. Oxford University Press, New York.
- Pell, S. K. & Angell, B. 2016. A Botanist's Vocabulary: 1300 Terms Explained and Illustrated. 226 pp. Timber Press, Portland.
- Sadava, D., Hillis, D. M., Heller, H. C. & Berenbaum, M. R. 2011. Life: The Science of Biology, 9th ed. -xliv + 1266 pp. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland.
- Simpson, M. G. 2006. Plant Systematics. -xi + 590 pp. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford.