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コケの利用 Use of bryophytes in Japan
Mascot マスコット
Float: Sphagnum palustre used as hairs of the figure which is made of foam.
Float in a pool.
Float in a glass bowl.
Float in a glass bowl.
Float in a pool.
Float in a pool.
Float in a pool.
Float in a pool.
Floats in a pool.
Floats in a pool.
The Sphagnum float with a dimention of ca. 80 cm long is used as an floating Island in garden's pool.
The unit for making Sphagnum bog on the roof of building, which is set on a shallow pool. Four clumps of Sphagnum put in the four holes on the foam unit vigorously grow during spring and summer seasons to the extent filling the whole upper surface of the unit even in Metropolitan Tokyo. The greenish moss turns to brown in winter season. We enjoy the dramatic change of the moss color from winter to spring!
A snap of one of activities of Sphagnum Academy; moss pot making with Sphagnum: Photo by M.Takeda Apr 1, 2006
Lecture by Ms S.Haga, a chief specialist for making miscellaneous moss decolations, Apr 1, 2006
People of different ages come together for making moss decolations. Apr 1, 2006
An example of moss pots just completed. Many capitula are arranged on a moistened Sphagnum mound placed in a ceramic pot; the capitula will quickly grow and the whole upper surface of mound will be covered with fresh green Sphagnum in 2 months.
"Tsukubai", a hand-wash basin placed near a tea-ceremony house; the one on the picture is an imitation (foam covered with mosses: Thuidium kanedae, Hypnum plumaeforme & Brachythecium spp.) of "Tsukubai" found in Ryoanji Temple (Temple of the peaceful dragon), famous for its rock garden in Kyoto.
Mascot capped with a moss, Racomitrium japonicum; figure is made of foam. Nov. 2005
Mascot capped with a moss, Racomitrium japonicum.
Mascot capped with a moss, Racomitrium japonicum; figure is made of foam.
Mascot capped with a moss, Racomitrium japonicum ; figure is made of foam..
Mascot capped with a moss, Racomitrium japonicum; figure is made of foam..
Line up of mascots on the lawn in front of the green-house, Department of Botany, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ., Nov. 2005.
Line up of mascots.
Making Moss decolations with Sphagnum at Sphagnum Academy, Tokyo.
[ コケの利用 Use of bryophytes in Japan コケの利用 Use of bryophytes in Japan|Back to]にもどる