提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
- かわら状,瓦状(日本語)
- (Español)
Glossary of "Plant Systematics (1st ed.)" by Simpson (2006)
- (a) Leaves or other structures overlapping (arrangement). (b) With overlapping perianth parts. (pexianth aestivation)
Glossary of "A Botanist's Vocabulary" by Pell & Angell (2016)
- Having parts that overlap like roof shingles, commonly used in aestivation to refer to the arrangement of the petals in bud.
- Simpson, M. G. 2006. Plant Systematics. -xi + 590 pp. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford.
- Pell, S. K. & Angell, B. 2016. A Botanist's Vocabulary: 1300 Terms Explained and Illustrated. 226 pp. Timber Press, Portland.