
提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館

HIKOBIA 13(4) (2002年発行)目次

Title Authors Page Note
New records of Rhabdodontium buftonii (Broth. & Geh.) Broth. (Bryopsida: Pterobryaceae) in Tasmania Dalton, P. J. 623-626
Taxonomical and phytogeographical notes on Jungermannia unispiris (Amakawa) Amakawa [大西規靖・山口富美夫・出口博則:日本産ヒトスジツボミゴケの分類学的・植物地理学的新知見] Ohnishi, N., Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H. 627-631
Cyathodium cavernarum Kunze in Western Australia Meagher, D. 633-635
Crossidium aberrans Holz. & Bartr. (Musci, Pottiaceae), a new record from Asia Bai, Z.-L. 637-640
New locality records for two rare mosses in Shikoku, Japan [松井透・弘田龍也・金澤朋子:四国新産の蘚類2種について] Matsui, T., Hirota, T. & Kanazawa, T. 641-643
Molecular phylogeny of hypnobryalean mosses as inferred from a large-scale dataset of chloroplast rbcL, with special reference to the Hypnaceae and possibly related families [坪田博美・有川智己・秋山弘之・De Luna, E.・Gonzalez, D.・樋口正信・出口博則:葉緑体rbcL遺伝子の大データセットに基づく腋蘚類とくにハイゴケ科とその周辺科の分子系統学的研究] Tsubota, H., Arikawa, T., Akiyama, H., De Luna, E., Gonzalez, D., Higuchi, M. & Deguchi, H. 645-665
Histochemical observations on the peristome of several haplolepidous mosses Est?banez, B., Tsubota, H., Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H. 667-677
ミカヅキゼニゴケの胞子体の形態学的研究 [Shimamura, M. & Deguchi, H.: Morphological study of the sporophyte of Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort.] 嶋村正樹・出口博則 679-684
Periodictiy of vegetative diaspore formation in some Japanese mosses [伊村智:日本産蘚類数種の栄養散布体形成の周期性] Imura, S. 685-691
Landscape ecology on vegetation types and land use systems of agro-forested regions in Korea Kim, J.-E., Hong, S.-K. & Nakagoshi, N. 693-703
Groundwater dynamics and changes in vegetation distribution at Chojabara Mire, southeastern Japan [白川勝信・中越信和:長者原湿原における地下水位の動態と植生配置の変化] Shirakawa, K. & Nakagoshi, N. 705-712
高知県中村市江ノ村における後氷期中期以降の植生変遷史 [Nakajima, A., Miyake, N. & Ishikawa, S.: Vegetation history since the middle Holocene around the Enomura Mire, Kochi Prefecture, southwestern Japan] 中島安希子・三宅尚・石川愼悟 713-724
Lichens of Mt. Chokai, northern Japan [高橋奏恵・出口博則:鳥海山の地衣類] Takahashi, K. & Deguchi, H. 725-736
Photoavoidance response of chloroplasts from high intensity light in the giant-cellular green alga Acetabularia peniculus [峯一郎・椎木陽子・奥田一雄:巨大細胞性カサノリにおける葉緑体の強行忌避運動] Mine, I., Shiinoki, Y. & Okuda, K. 737-744
Resupinate fungi (Basidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales) of Macquarie Island, Australia Laursen, G. A., Burdsall, H. H. & Seppelt, R. D. 745-750
2000(平成12)年に日本で発表された蘚苔類関係の文献目録 [Iwatsuki, Z. & Higuchi, M.: Bryological literature published in Japan in 2000] 岩月善之助・樋口正信 751-755
Bryophytes of Asia. Fasc. 9 (2002) [出口博則・山口富美夫:アジアの蘚苔類標本第9集] Deguchi, H. & Yamaguchi, T. 757-758
新刊紹介 759
ヒコビア会活動記録 759
Index to Hikobia Vol. 1, No. 1-Vol. 13, No. 4, 1950-2002 (1-37)


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