提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
Glossary of Ecology (6th ed.) by Krebs (2009)
- the mass or weight of living matter in an area.
Glossary of "Biology (3rd ed.)" by Hardin & Bajema (1978)
- the weight of a biological entity (often measured as dry weight minus water).
Glossary of "Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet (2nd ed.)" by Botkin & Keller (1998)
- The amount of living material, or the amount of organic material contained in living organisms, both as live and dead material, as in the leaves (live) and stem weed (dead) of trees.
- Botkin, D. B. & Keller, E. A. 1998. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet, 2nd ed. -xxxxii + 649 pp. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
- Hardin, G. & Bajema, C. 1978. Biology, its Principles and Implications, third edition. -x + 790 pp. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco.
- Krebs, C. J. 2009. Ecology, 6th ed. -xvi + 655 pp. Pearson Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco.