関 1984 Hikobia 9 165

提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館



  • 関 太郎. 1984. 越智一男氏(1909-1979)―日本の蘚苔類学発展の一礎石としての生涯. Hikobia 9: 165-172.


Seki, T. 1984. Mr. Kazuo Oti (1909-1979), a memorial tribute. Hikobia 9: 165-172.

Mr. Kazuo Oti, who studied the bryoflora of the eastern part of Ehime Pref., Shikoku, died May 11, 1979. Born in Saijo, Ehime Pref., Mr. Oti was graduated at the Ehime Normal School in 1929, and engaged in a teacher of biology of the Saijo High School until 1968. In 1942 he started to study bryophytes under the guidance of Drs. M. Kamimura, Y. Horikawa, K. Sakurai, S. Hattori, A. Noguchi and others. Based on his collection, 26 new species and 4 new varieties of Musci, and 3 new species, 2 new varieties and one new form of Hepaticae were described by Drs. Sakurai, Hattori, Noguchi and Takaki. At present, most of these new taxa have been revised, but the followings seem to be remarkable discoveries by him: Brotherella herbacea Sak., Rhynchostegium shikokuense Takaki, Plagiochila firma Mitt. ssp. rhizophora (Hatt.) Inoue and Lejeunea otiana Hatt. Since early time of his studies, Mr. Oti continued an investigation of the ecology of copper mosses taking a convenient opportunity of dwelling near the Besshi Copper Mine. Over the years Mr. Oti accumulated in his private herbarium about 7000 specimens of bryophytes including many isotypes mostly from the eastern part of Ehime Pref. These have been donated to the Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden of Hiroshima University (HIRO-MY). Mr. Oti would seem to be a foundation stone for the progress of Japanese bryology.
