小山・ファン・内田・中原-坪田・坪田 2022

提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館


  • 小山克輝・ファン=クイン=チ・内田真治・中原-坪田美保・坪田博美. 2022. 広島県のモロコシソウの生育状況について―2022年時点の状況―. Hikobia 18: 265-272. [Koyama, Y., Phan, Q. C., Uchida, S., Nakahara-Tsubota, M. & Tsubota, H. 2022. Current status of Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, as of 2022. Hikobia 18: 265-272.]


Koyama, Y., Phan, Q. C., Uchida, S., Nakahara-Tsubota, M. & Tsubota, H. 2022. Current status of Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, as of 2022. Hikobia 18: 265-272.

Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) is a rare plant species distributed in the Seto Inland Sea area, SW Japan, and has been listed as an RDB species of Hiroshima Prefecture. Located in the south of Hiroshima, Miyajima Island is an important geographic location because it is near the northern limit of L. sikokiana. Here we report the current growing condition of this species on Miyajima Island and provide the basic information for its conservation. The height of L. sikokiana was smaller than plants growing in other places. The reasons for this might include environmental change in addition to the Wright effect and the distribution being close to its northern limit. Furthermore, the local population is disappearing, and the existing population showed a decrease in both population size and plant growth. The results suggested that closure of the forest canopy gaps has been associated with a decrease in light intensity and water content on forest floor, altering the favorable environment of L. sikokiana. Natural disturbances, such as tree fall caused by typhoons that create canopy gaps, have not occurred in recent years, and no canopy gaps have been made in places where L. sikokiana is present. This study sheds light on the status of the local population of L. sikokiana on Miyajima Island and demonstrates the need for ex-situ conservation.


広島県の稀少種のモロコシソウLysimachia sikokiana Miq.の2022年時点での生育状況について報告とその保護のための基礎情報の提供を行った.広島県宮島は本種の分布の北限に近く,植物地理学的に重要なモロコシソウの生育地である.今回の調査により,宮島でみられるモロコシソウの植物体の高さは一般的なそれよりも小さい傾向が見られた.この原因についてはWright効果や分布が北限に近いことに加えて環境の悪化などが考えられた.さらに地域個体群が消失しつつあり,残された個体群でも個体数の減少や生育の不良が見られた。それらの原因として林冠ギャップの修復に伴って光強度の低下や乾燥が進み環境が変化していることや,台風によって引き起こされるような攪乱が近年で発生しておらず,新しいギャップが生じていないことなどが示唆された.今回の結果は宮島のモロコシソウの逼迫した現状を明らかにし,林冠ギャップの管理や域外保全の必要性を示した.

