井上・南葉・岩﨑・池田・塩路・中原-坪田・坪田 2020
- 井上侑哉・南葉錬志郎・岩﨑元道・池田誠慈・塩路恒生・中原-坪田美保・坪田博美. 2020. 広島県におけるヒナノシャクジョウBurmannia championii Thwaitesの新産地. Hikobia 18(2): 99-103. [Inoue, Y., Nanba, R., Iwasaki, M., Ikeda, S., Shioji, T., Nakahara-Tsubota, M. & Tsubota, H. 2020. New locality of Brumannia championii Thwaites in Hiroshima Pref., SW Japan. Hikobia 18: 99-103.]
Inoue, Y., Nanba, R., Iwasaki, M., Ikeda, S., Shioji, T., Nakahara-Tsubota, M. & Tsubota, H. 2020. New locality of Brumannia championii Thwaites in Hiroshima Pref., SW Japan. Hikobia 18: 99-103.
Burmannia championii Thwaites (Burmanniaceae) is newly documented from Kagamiyama, Higashi-hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, south-west Japan in October 2020. The species was found growing on the dimly lit forest floor covered with wet humus. The vegetation of the habitat is Schizophragma hydrangioides stage 2 of Querco glaucae-Pinetum densiflorae evodiopanacetosum innovantis based on the vegetation map by Toyohara et al. (1996). This vegetation is a secondary forest type in Saijo Basin of Hiroshima Pref. As succession progresses, this area may continue to provide an environment suitable for B. championii population persistence.
- ヒナノシャクジョウBurmannia championiiの広島県内の新産地を報告した.また,その生育環境について報告した.