The Hikobia Monthly Botanical Excursion

広島大学 > デジタル自然史博物館 > 宮島 > 植物観察会 | 植物

A brief history and activities of the Hikobia Monthly Botanical Excursion

Fig. GIS-map of the venues for all the excursions in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan and nearby areas (September, 1978–April, 2010). The elevation contours are 400 m, 700 m, and 900 m above sea level.

The Hikobia Monthly Botanical Excursion is promoted by the Hikobia Botanical Society and Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden of Hiroshima University. Excursions are usually held to observe and record the wild and naturalized plants, and vegetation at various places in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan and nearby areas once each month on the third Sunday of the month, although recently sometimes twice monthly. The activities have brought encouraging results in lifelong learning for citizens and field education for teachers and students, and in the investigation of the flora of Hiroshima.

The Hikobia Monthly Botanical Excursion, previously called the monthly foray of the Hiroshima Botanical Club which is the former society of Hiroshima Botanical Society, was founded by the late Prof. Y. Horikawa in 1956. After 54 years we have now reached the 500th excursion and the memorial event was held on 2 October 2010. Thus, the Hikobia Monthly Botanical Excursion received the seventh award of the Botanical Society of Japan, the largest society for the study of botany and with a rich history in Japan, for distinguished achievement in education at the annual meeting of the society on 10 September 2010.


デジタル自然史博物館 / 広島大学 / 宮島自然植物実験所 / 植物観察会のトップ | 植物 にもどる