
  • 固着性の,付着性の,無柄の(日本語)
  • (Español)


Glossary of Plant Systematics (1st ed.) by Simpson (2006)

  • (a) Without a petiole or, for leaflets, without a petiolule. (leaf attachment) (b) Lacking a pedicel. (flower attachment) (c) With filament absent, the anther attached directly. (stamen attachment) (d) Ovary lacking a basal stalk. (ovary attachment)

Glossary of Ecology (6th ed.) by Krebs (2009)

  • attached to an object or fixed in place (e.g., barnacles).

Glossary of "Life (9th ed.)" by Sadava et al. (2011)

  • Permanently attached; not able to move from one place to another. (Contrast with motile.)


広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 / アルファベット順 / S | 仮名順 にもどる