- (n) 捕食者,捕食動物,肉食動物,略奪者(日本語)
- (Español)
Glossary of "Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet (2nd ed.)" by Botkin & Keller (1998)
- An organism that feeds on other, live organisms, usually of other species. The term is usually applied to animals that feed on other animals, but sometimes it is used to mean herbivore.
- Botkin, D. B. & Keller, E. A. 1998. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet, 2nd ed. -xxxxii + 649 pp. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
- Sadava, D., Hillis, D. M., Heller, H. C. & Berenbaum, M. R. 2011. Life: The Science of Biology, 9th ed. -xliv + 1266 pp. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland.
広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 / アルファベット順 / P | 仮名順 にもどる