Phan Nakahara-Tsubota Inoue Tsubota 2021

Phan et al. (2021)

  • Phan, Q. C., Nakahara-Tsubota, M., Inoue, Y. & Tsubota, H. 2021. New record of Dysphania pumilio (Amaranthaceae) from Hiroshima Prefecture, southwest Japan. Hikobia 18: 145-156.


Phan, Q. C., Nakahara-Tsubota, M., Inoue, Y. & Tsubota, H. 2021. New record of Dysphania pumilio (Amaranthaceae) for Hiroshima Prefecture, southwest Japan. Hikobia 18: 145–156.

Dysphania pumilio (R.Br.) Mosyakin & Clemants (Amaranthaceae) was newly reported for Hiroshima Prefecture, southwest Japan. Although the specimens collected showed a wide range of morphology, all specimens were shown to belong to a single polymorphic species, Dysphania pumilio, based on DNA data. A detailed description and illustration, dispersal mechanisms and potential risk to the local flora are provided.




Supplementary data

The pdf files of Supplementary Figures S1 & S2 of Phan et al. (2021)

Supplementary figures