提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
HIKOBIA 15(4) (2010年12月27日発行)目次 Contents
Title | Authors | Page | Note |
Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of Hikobia | 359 | ||
フクレヘラゴケの新産地と着生基物 [Okamoto, T.: New locality and substrate of Thysanothecium scutellatum (Fr.) D.J.Galloway (Cladoniaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes)] | 岡本達哉 | 361-362 | Okamoto (2010) |
Impact of land use changes on spatial pattern of landscape during two decades (1989‒2009) in West Java region | Kaswanto, Nakagoshi, N., & Arifin, H. S. | 363-376 | Kaswanto et al. (2010) |
Grassland vegetation change after riverbank restoration in Jungnang River, Seoul, Korea | Lee, H.-J. & Nakagoshi, N. | 377-384 | Lee & Nakagoshi (2010) |
温暖帯下部の常緑広葉樹林内に存在するモミ(Abies firma Sieb. et Zucc.)の自然更新過程とその持続性の検証~広島県の厳島(宮島)を例にして~ [Oki, S., Yamada, T. & Okuda, T.: The mechanism of natural regeneration and the viability analysis for Abies firma in a Japanese warm temperate forest in Itsukushima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture] | 沖宗一郎・山田敏弘・奥田敏統 | 385-400 | 沖ほか(2010) |
現存植生図をもとにした淡路島における竹林の分布特性 [Yoshimura, K., Fujihara, M. & Mino, N.: Distribution of bamboo forests in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, western Japan based on an actual vegetation map] | 吉村享子・藤原道郎・美濃伸之 | 401-406 | 吉村ほか(2010) |
淡路島北部における竹林の空間配置及び林分構造をもとにした管理手法 [Hoashi, K., Fujihara, M., Oyabu, T., Sawada, Y. & Yamamoto, S.: Management of bamboo forests based on land-use history, distribution and stand structure in the northern part of Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, western Japan] | 帆足和徳・藤原道郎・大藪崇司・澤田佳宏・山本聡 | 407-414 | 帆足ほか(2010) |
香川県小豆島の植生分布と地質・地形との対応関係 [Oota, K., Morisada, S. & Hada, Y.: The influence of geological and topographical features on the vegetation of Shodo-shima Island, Kagawa prefecture, Japan] | 太田謙・森定伸・波田善夫 | 415-425 | 太田ほか(2010) |
A taxonomic revision of the genus Apometzgeria (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta) [桝崎浩亮・坪田博美・嶋村正樹・山口富美夫・出口博則:ケフタマタゴケ属(フタマタゴケ科,苔類)の分類学的再検討] | Masuzaki, H., Tsubota, H., Shimamura, M. Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H. | 427-452 | 桝崎ほか(2010) |
Phylogenetic relationships among Leucobryum juniperoideum and related species (Leucobryaceae, Musci) inferred from ITS sequences [小栗恵美子・山口富美夫・坪田博美・嶋村正樹・出口博則:核ITS領域の塩基配列に基づいたホソバオキナゴケとその近縁種の系統関係] | Oguri, E., Yamaguchi, T., Shimamura, M., Tsubota, H. & Deguchi, H. | 453-462 | 小栗ほか(2010) |
Taxonomic studies on the liverwort Jubula Dumort. (Marchantiophyta: Jubulaceae) in Japan and Taiwan [片桐知之・山口富美夫・出口博則:日本及び台湾におけるヒメウルシゴケ属(ゼニゴケ植物門:ヒメウルシゴケ科)の分類学的研究] | Katagiri, T., Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H. | 463-472 | 片桐ほか(2010) |
Stictolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) new to Indonesia | Haerida, I. & Gradstein, S. R. | 473-476 | Haerida & Gradstein (2010) |
Mosses from marginal desert lands of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, north-western China | Downing, A. & Zhang, Y.-M. | 477-484 | Downing & Zhang (2010) |
北硫黄島の蘚苔類 [Uchida, S., Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H.: Bryophyte of the Kitaiwoto Island, Ogasawara Archipelago] | 内田慎治・山口富美夫・出口博則 | 485-492 | 内田ほか(2010) |
地衣類アリノツノマタMultilavula clara (Brek. & Cart.) R.H.Petersenから分離された共生藻 [Takeshita, S., Tokizawa, M., Handa, S. & Okamoto, T.: A report of the photobiont isolated from Multiclavula clara (Berk. & Cart.) R.H.Petersen (Clavariaceae, lichenized Basidiomycetes)] | 竹下俊治・時澤味佳・半田信司・岡本達哉 | 493-497 | 竹下ほか(2010) |
Ecology of wood-inhabiting myxomycetes in three different types of natural forests on the Kirishima Mountains of south-western Japan [高橋和成・原紺勇一:西日本の霧島山系における植生の異なる3タイプの自然林で発生する死木生変形菌の生態] | Takahashi, K. & Harakon, Y. | 499-510 | Takahashi & Harakon (2010) |
ヒコビア観察観察会の500回までのあゆみと広島県普通植物分布図 [Kubo, H., Mukai, S. & Tsubota, H.: A brief history and activities of the Hikobia Monthly Botanical Tour with the 500th commemoration events completed since 1956, and maps for the venues and common plant species in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan] | 久保晴盛・向井誠二・坪田博美 | 511-522 | 久保ほか(2010) |
2008(平成20)年に日本で発表された蘚苔類関係の文献目録 [Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M.: Bryological literature published in Japan in 2008] | 岩月善之助・樋口正信 | 523-524 | 岩月・樋口(2010) |
新刊紹介 | 525 | ||
Bryophytes of Asia. Fasc. 17 (2010) [出口博則・山口富美夫:アジアの蘚苔類標本第17集] | Deguchi, H. & Yamaguchi, T. | 529-530 | Deguchi & Yamaguchi (2010) |
投稿規定 | 531 |
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