
HIKOBIA 12(3) (1997年発行)目次

Title Authors Page Note
The bryophytes of Hunan Province, China: An annotated checklist Rao, P., Enroth, J., Piippo, S. & Koponen, T. 181-203
日本産の興味ある閉鎖果セン類4種 [Suzuki, T. & Iwatsuki, Z.: Four interesting species of cleistocarpous mosses from Japan] 鈴木 直・岩月善之助 205-213
Cytological observations on some West Himalayan mosses Kapila, S. & Kumar, S. S. 215-219
Megaspora verrucosa (lichenized Ascomycetes; Megasporaceae) newly found in Japan [原田 浩:日本初記録の地衣類Megaspora verrucosa (Megasporaceae)] Harada, H. 221-225
梓川に沿った河辺林域の沖積堆積物に含まれる花粉群の堆積状態 [Miyake, N. & Nehira, K.: Patterns of pollen deposition from a alluvial sediments in a riparian forest along the Azusa river, Central Japan] 三宅 尚・根平邦人 227-239
On the boundary between the Querco glaucae-Pinetum densiflorae and the Querco myrsinaefoliae-Pinetum densiflorae in Hiroshima Prefecture [宮本和樹・豊原源太郎・出口博則:広島県におけるアカマツ-アラカシ群集とアカマツ-シラカシ群集の境界について] Miyamoto, K., Toyohara, G. & Deguchi, H. 241-255
Successional processes related to the geology of secondary forests in the Sanyo district, western Japan (I). The successional sere of the inland region [岸田章一・豊原源太郎・出口博則:山陽地方における森林群落の遷移と地質との関係] Kishida, S., Toyohara, G. & Deguchi, H. 257-266
Miscellaneous notes on ferns and fern allies (1-4) [佐藤 淳:シダ植物雑記(1-4)] Satou, Z. 267-270
1995(平成7)年に日本で発表された蘚苔類関係の文献目録 [Iwatsuki, Z. & Higuchi, M.: Bryological literature published in Japan in 1995] 岩月善之助・樋口正信 271-273
Bryophytes of Asia. Fasc. 1 (1987), Fasc. 2 (1988), Fasc. 3 (1989), Fasc. 4 (1997) Iwatsuki, Z. & Higuchi, M. for Fasc. 1-3; Deguchi, H. & Yamaguchi, T. for Fasc. 4. 275-282
新刊紹介 283-284
ヒコビア会活動記録 285-286
ヒコビア会会則 287
投稿規程 288


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