
広島大学 > デジタル自然史博物館 > 植物 > ヒコビア会 | Hikobia

HIKOBIA 1(1) 1950

Title Authors Page Note
Some observation of the epiphytic bryophytes Horikawa, Y. 1-6
Phenological notes of Japanese mosses Horikawa, Y. 6-9
Habitats of Iris rossii Baker in Hiroshima Pref. Horikawa, Y. 9-10
Bryological trip to Mt. Mino in Osaka Pref. Horikawa, Y. 10-12
On some remarkable plant communities of Mt. Dogo in Hiroshima Pref. Horikawa, Y. & Sasaki, Y. 12-15
Natural arrangement of Families & number of Genera of Hepaticae Horikawa, Y. 15-16
Natural arrangement of Families & number of Genera of Musci Horikawa, Y. 17-20
The Hepatics of Ishikawa, Aichi, Hyogo, Okayama, Kumamoto & Kagoshima Prefs. Horikawa, Y. 21-24
The Mosses of Nagano, Tottori, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Ehime & Kochi Prefs. Horikawa, Y. 25-29
Symbolae Florae Bryophytae Orientali-Asiae et Micronesiae XI Horikawa, Y. 30-36
Symbolae Florae Bryophytae Orientali-Asiae et Micronesiae XII Horikawa, Y. 78-99
Bryotheca Archipelago-Japonica et Micronesica, Ser. 1-4. Horikawa, Y. 39-42
Differences of mosses and hepatics Horikawa, Y. 42-43, 108-109
Iconography of Japanese bryophytes Horikawa, Y. 44-47
Iconography of exotic bryophytes Horikawa, Y. 48
Biography of Mr. Etsusaburo Takayanagi Horikawa, Y. 49-53
Hepatics and mosses of Kinki-district Horikawa, Y. 54-77
Distributions of important bryophytes in Japanese Archipelago (1) Horikawa, Y. 100-108
Distributions of important bryophytes in Japanese Archipelago (2) Horikawa, Y. 111-118
A short studies on the growth-form of bryophytes and its ecological significance Horikawa, Y. & Ando, H. 119-129
A preliminary report on a freezing experiment using several mosses Horikawa, Y. & Ochi, H. 131-135
A preliminary report on hydrophytes of ponds in the peat-bogs of Oze Horikawa, Y. & Saito, M 137-143
On some Japanese Desmids (1) Hinode, T. 145-148
The influence of the Ruth Typhoon on weeds Horikawa, Y. & Miyawaki, A 151-162
Seasonal aspect of weed communities on the land under cultivation Fujii, K. 163-174
Hunting for Hepatics and Mosses in Yamaguchi Pref. Horikawa, Y. 175-177
Some small observation 149, 150, 178
Reviews of current literature 37, 118, 129, 130, 136, 144, 149, 174

Contents of Hikobia

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