genetic toolkit
- In evolutionary developmental biology, DNA sequences controlling developmental mechanisms that have been conserved over evolutionary time.
- The set of genes and proteins, often conserved across distantly related organisms, and the developmental pathways that they comprise, by which multicellular organisms are constructed during development.
- Futuyma, D. J. & Kirkpatrick, M. 2017. Evolution, 4th ed. -xviii + 602 pp. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland.
- Sadava, D., Hillis, D. M., Heller, H. C. & Berenbaum, M. R. 2011. Life: The Science of Biology, 9th ed. -xliv + 1266 pp. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland.
広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 / アルファベット順 / G | 仮名順 にもどる