About The Hikobia Botanical Society

広島大学 > デジタル自然史博物館 > 植物 > ヒコビア会

A Brief History of HIKOBIA

Logo for the Society of Hikobia (Logo designed by Shoichi Kishida)

In the autumn of 1950, the late Dr. Yoshiwo Horikawa started Hikobia with the collaboration of Dr. Hyoji Suzuki, his assistant. The name Hikobia is a latinized Japanese word derived from hikobae. Hikobae means a sprout or tiller. Hikobia thus symbolized a hopeful rebirth after the dire disaster of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima City - a rebirth as many vigorous sprouts grow up after cutting a tree.

The journal HIKOBIA has continually been supported by the Hiroshima Botanical Club. On the back cover of the very first number, Dr. Y. Horikawa issued a call to join the Club as follows: “This journal treats mainly the themes about bryophytes, another lower plants and also plant ecology. Our purpose promotes the prosperity of the studies on these fields. Please become the member if you love the plants and wish to study them regardless of professional or non-professional”. Since that time the journal Hikobia has reached 13 volumes with a total of some 5,000 pages, and has been supported by many kind contributors.

The activities of the Hiroshima Botanical Club are divided into the following three parts: (1) publication and support of the journal, (2) conducting seminars, and (3) botanical tours which are held each month. Through these activities, a strong academic tradition has been cultivated and where the dissemination of knowledge is positively reinforced through observation in the field. Dr. Horikawa always said: “The nature is the best professor”. Our teaching tradition does not necessarily follow the fashionable trends of today, but aims to further the study of plant science based on classical understanding which may be enhanced by reference to new data and techniques.

Logo for the Society

The name HIKOBIA is a latinized Japanese word derived from hikobae. Hikobae means a sprout or tiller. HIKOBIA thus symbolized a hopeful rebirth after the World War II - a rebirth as many vigorous sprouts grow up after cutting a tree. (Logo designed by Shoichi Kishida)

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デジタル自然史博物館 / 広島大学 / ヒコビア会のトップ | 植物 にもどる