
提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
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鈴木兵二別刷コレクション(植物群落) 和名順(アイウエオ順) 英字

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ハ行 マ行 ヤ行 ラ行 ワ行 英字


群落名 文献番号 著者 題目 出典 出版年
Abietum mariessi ゴヨウイチゴ亜群集 R.2435 T. Suzuki 森林立地 1966 8 1 3
Achnanthes-Gomphonema-Entophysalis G.E.Dillard Beuthic Algal Communities of a North Carolina Nova Heswig 1969 17 18
Agropyro repentio-Aegopodietum podagrariae R.4419 J.M. Gehu, J.L. Richerd and R. Tuxen Documents phytosociologiques 1972 2 18
Alchemillo-Chenopodietum boni-henrici R.4419 G.-M.Gefu, G.-L..Richard and R.Tuxen Documents phytosociologiques 2 1972 23
Aloysii sabaudiae H.Paul Eagler's Naturl. Pflanz. fam 1924 10 123
Alysso-Sedion R.4419 J.M. Gehu, J.L. Richerd and R. Tuxen Documents phytosociologiques 1972 2 34
Ammophiletea Honckenyo Peploidis-Elymetea Arenarll Agropyretea Pungentis H-238-6 Tuxen Bibl Phytosoc. Synax. 1971 6 82
Andreaea rupestris var. fauriei community R.30 H.Ando Ecological Studies of Hakusan Qwai-National Park 1961 53
Angelica decursiva-Aster glehnii gesell. R.4216 A. Miyawaki und K. Fujiwara Annual Report of JIBP-CT(P) for the Fiscal 1968 8
Angelica genuflexa-Carex versicaria Ass. R.4216 A. Miyawaki and K. Fujiwara Vegetaion und Vegetationskartierung uber des Moor Ozegaharas (Mitteljapan) Annual Report of JIBP-CT(P) for the Fiscal 1968 8
Angelica longiradiata-Zaysia japonica R.4931 S.Itow Phytosoenologia 1974 1 3 332-333
Angelica longiradiata-Zaysia japonica community R.4369 伊藤(秀) Synoptic Note of Phytosociological Study on Grassland Vegetation anGrassl. Ecosyst. JIBP. Grassl. Proj. Rep 1971 13
Anomosonto Isothecietum rinioari R.2327 Hubschmann Moosgesellschaften und Moose, Schrift Vegetationskunde 1967 2 99
Arcterica nana-Rhacomitrium lanuginosum community R.30 H.Ando Ecological Studies of Hakusan Qwai-National Park 1961 52
Arcterio-doiseleurietum R.4298 Annual Report of JIBP-(CT)(P)for the Fiscal 1970 24
Arcterio-doiseleurietum R.4297 K.Yatoh and M.minamikawa Annual Report of JIBP-(CT)(P)for the Fiscal 1969 28
Arcterio-doiseleurietum diapenetosum R.4297 K.Yatoh and M.minamikawa Annual Report of JIBP-(CT)(P)for the Fiscal 1969 28
Arcterio-doiseleurietum Ohba, ex Suz.-Jok.1964 R.4624 K.Ito, J.Jsuju and M.Johyama Annual Report of JIBP-(CT)(P)for the Fiscal 1970 4
Arcterio-doiseleurietum Ohba, ex Suz.-Jok.1965 R.4629 K.Ito, M.Johyama, K.Sato and J.Jsuju Annual Report of JIBP-(CT)(P)for the Fiscal 1972 80-81
Ardisio-Castanopaion スダジイ典型亜群集 R.4476 矢野・中西ほか 淡路島の植生調査と生態学的土地利用計画報告書 1972 17
Arisaemo heterocephalal-Castanopsietum siebaldi Miyawaki et Ohba R.2435 T.Suzuki Sinrin-Ritti(Forest Site) 1966 8 1 9
Arundinario chino-Miscanthetum sinensis Miyawaki 1971 R.4931 S.Itow Phytocoenologia 1974 1 3 333
Arundinario-Miscanthetum sinensin Miyawaki et Itow, ass. Nov R.4931 S.Itow Phytocoenologia 1974 1 3 317-321
Asplenietum septentrionali-adianti-nigri R.2327 Hubschmann Moosgesellschaften und Moose, Schrift Vegetationshunds 1967 2 103
Asplenium ruta-muraria-Asplenium trichomanes Ass. R.2327 Hubschmann Moosgesellschaften und Moose, Schrift Vegetationshunds 1967 2 102
Association a Lathyrus latifolius R.4419 J.-m.gehu, J.-L.Richard and R.Tuxen Documents phytosociologues 1972 2 16
Association of Polygonum weyrichii var. alpinum R.2583 M.Tohyama The Alpine vegetation of Mt.Fuji 1968 460
Asteretea Tripolium Juncetea H-238-16 Tuxen Bibl Phytosoc. Synax. 1973 16 192
Astometum crispi R.2327 Hubschmann Moosgesellschaften und Moose, Schrift Vegetationshunds 1967 2 91
Atrichum undulatum var. minss R.2853 H.Taodaほか ヒコビア 1967 5 1-2 54
Atriplici-Cakiletum islandicae R.3357 R.Tuxen Vegetatio 1970 20 5-6 252-256
Atriplicion gmelinii All. R.4421 T. Ohba, A. Miyawaki and R. Tuxen Vegetatio 1973 26 1-3 12
Atriplici-Suedetum maritimae R.2755 A. Miyawaki Science Reports of the Yokohama National University 1969 2 15 5
Aunaie et Frenaie R.4420 J.M. Gehu, J.L. Richerd and R. Tuxen Documents phytosociologiques 1972 3 41
Avicenno-Phizophoretum Nakano 植物生態学報 (Ann. Phytoec) 1943 3 1 17
Awkeotsang (Ficus) subass. T. Suzuki Japanese Journal of Botany 1953 14 2