「池田・井上・久保・松井・中原-坪田・武内・若木・坪田 2021」の版間の差分

提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
1行目: 1行目:
*池田誠慈・井上侑哉・久保晴盛・松井健一・中原-坪田美保・武内一恵・若木小夜子・'''坪田博美'''.  2021.  広島県三原市の維管束植物(II): 被子植物について.  広島市植物公園紀要 35: 7-140. [Ikeda, S., Inoue, Y., Kubo, H., Matsui, K., Nakahara-Tsubota, M., Takeuchi, K., Wakaki, S. & Tsubota, H.  2021.  Checklist of vascular plants of Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan (2): Angiosperms.  Bulletin of The Hiroshima Botanical Garden 35: 7-140.]
*池田誠慈・井上侑哉・久保晴盛・松井健一・中原-坪田美保・武内一恵・若木小夜子・坪田博美.  2021.  広島県三原市の維管束植物(II): 被子植物について.  広島市植物公園紀要 35: 7-140. [Ikeda, S., Inoue, Y., Kubo, H., Matsui, K., Nakahara-Tsubota, M., Takeuchi, K., Wakaki, S. & Tsubota, H.  2021.  Checklist of vascular plants of Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan (2): Angiosperms.  Bulletin of The Hiroshima Botanical Garden 35: 7-140.]
10行目: 10行目:
Since [[広島大学理学部附属宮島自然植物実験所・比婆科学教育振興会_1997|the 1997 publication "Flora of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan"]], a significant number of new vascular plant records have been compiled for Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan.  A checklist of the vascular plants recorded from Mihara City is provided, based on the previous publications, specimens and our recent investigations.  In this investigation, 8 species of lycopods, 142 species of [[ferns]], and 15 species of [[gymnosperms]] are recorded.
Since [[広島大学理学部附属宮島自然植物実験所・比婆科学教育振興会_1997|the 1997 publication "Flora of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan"]], a significant number of new vascular plant records have been compiled for Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan.  A checklist of the vascular plants recorded from Mihara City is provided, based on the previous publications, specimens and our recent investigations.  In this investigation, 1,307 species of [[angiosperms]] are recorded.
[[ferns]], [[flora]], [[gymnosperms]], [[lycopods]], [[pteridophytes]]
*[[angiosperms]], [[Daiwa Town]], [[flora]], [[Hongo Town]], [[Kui Town]], [[Mihara City]]
*池田誠慈・井上侑哉・久保晴盛・小山克輝・中原-坪田美保・武内一恵・松村雅文・坪田博美.  2019.  広島県三原市の維管束植物(I): 概説とヒカゲノカズラ植物・シダ植物・裸子植物について.  広島市植物公園紀要 34: 13-36.  [Ikeda, S., Inoue, Y., Kubo, H., Koyama, Y., Nakahara-Tsubota, M., Takeuchi, K., Matsumura, M. & Tsubota, H.  2019.  Checklist of vascular plants of Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan (1): Lycopods, Ferns and Gymnosperms.  Bulletin of The Hiroshima Botanical Garden 34: 13-36.]
==正誤表 Errata==
*p. 7, l. 12: Kui '''Twon''' -> Kui '''Town'''
47行目: 50行目:

2023年3月4日 (土) 21:47時点における最新版



  • 池田誠慈・井上侑哉・久保晴盛・松井健一・中原-坪田美保・武内一恵・若木小夜子・坪田博美. 2021. 広島県三原市の維管束植物(II): 被子植物について. 広島市植物公園紀要 35: 7-140. [Ikeda, S., Inoue, Y., Kubo, H., Matsui, K., Nakahara-Tsubota, M., Takeuchi, K., Wakaki, S. & Tsubota, H. 2021. Checklist of vascular plants of Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan (2): Angiosperms. Bulletin of The Hiroshima Botanical Garden 35: 7-140.]


  • 広島県三原市の維管束植物のリスト(被子植物)を報告した.
  • ヒカゲノカズラ植物・シダ植物・裸子植物については池田ほか(2019)で報告.



Since the 1997 publication "Flora of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan", a significant number of new vascular plant records have been compiled for Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan. A checklist of the vascular plants recorded from Mihara City is provided, based on the previous publications, specimens and our recent investigations. In this investigation, 1,307 species of angiosperms are recorded.




  • 被子植物,大和町,フロラ,本郷町,久井町,三原市

正誤表 Errata

  • p. 7, l. 12: Kui Twon -> Kui Town


