山本・藤原・大藪・澤田・山本 2013

山本ほか (2013)


  • 山本ジェイミー順子・藤原道郎・大藪崇司・澤田佳宏・山本聡. 2013. 淡路島における竹林の分布および立地環境を基にした竹林管理の仕組み. Hikobia 16: 403-xxx. [Yamamoto, J. J., Fujihara, M., Oyabu, T., Sawada, Y. & Yamamoto, S. 2013. A management system for bamboo forests developed on the basis of their distribution and habitat in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture. Hikobia 16: 403-xxx.]



Yamamoto, J. J., Fujihara, M., Oyabu, T., Sawada, Y. & Yamamoto, S. 2013. A management system for bamboo forests developed on the basis of their distribution and habitat in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture. Hikobia 16: 403-xxx. [In Japanese]

Considerable efforts have been directed toward the prevention of the expansion of abandoned bamboo forests in various areas in Japan. However, abandoned bamboo forests have still been expanding due to the lack of a sustainable management system. In this study, the distribution, natural factors (inclination and vegetation type adjacent to bamboo forests), and social factors (distance from a road and distance from a house) of bamboo forests in Awaji Island, western Japan, were investigated to establish an effective management system. The distribution of patches of bamboo and those of other vegetation types in Awaji Island was determined using vegetation maps from 2010 (1/25,000: Ministry of the Environment). The inclination of each 10-m grid, distribution of roads, and distribution of houses were obtained using a 10-m resolution digital elevation model, digital road maps and digital fine scale map. The distance from each bamboo patch to the nearest road and the distance from each bamboo patch to the nearest house were then calculated using geographic information system (GIS) software (ArcGIS ver.9). The number and area of vegetation patches adjacent to bamboo patches were also calculated using GIS. Cultivated land, secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest, and secondary deciduous broad leaved forest were frequently distributed adjacent to bamboo patches. The number and area of bamboo patches decreased according to the increase in the distance from the nearest road and the nearest house. Herein, we propose a system to decide a strategy for management of bamboo patches.


広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 にもどる