坪田・久保・大野・井上・中原-坪田・武内・松井・内田・向井 2013

坪田ほか (2013)


  • 坪田博美・久保晴盛・大野彰洋・井上侑哉・中原-坪田美保・武内一恵・松井健一・内田慎治・向井誠二. 2013. 広島の帰化植物4.イヌカキネガラシおよびその近縁種. Hikobia 16: 321-334.



Tsubota, H., Kubo, H., Ohno, A., Inoue, Y., Nakahara-Tsubota, M., Takeuchi, K., Matsui, K., Uchida, S. & Mukai, S. 2013. Notes on naturalized plants in Hiroshima Prefecture: 4. New locality and phylogeny of Sisymbrium orientale L. (Brassicaceae) and its related species. Hikobia 16: 321-334.

Naturalized plants, Sisymbrium orientale L. and S. irio L. (Brassicaceae) were collected from Hiroshima Prefecture, Honshu, southwestern Japan. The former species was found growing by the road-side at reclamation areas in Mihara, Higashi-hiroshima and Hatsukaichi Cities as additional localities in the prefecture; the latter was found by the road-side in Hiroshima City and is the first record in the prefecture. Sequence of the nuclear 18S rRNA gene (nr 18S rDNA) and ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (nr ITS), and chloroplast ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit gene (cp rbcL) for S. orientale; nr ITS for S. irio and S. officinale were obtained. Their phylogenetic positions were also demonstrated.


広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 にもどる