提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
ミズゴケ科 Sphagnaceae
- Crum, H. 1984. Sphagnopsida, Sphagnaceae. North American Flora, Ser. 2, Part 11: 1-180.
- Horikawa, Y. & Suzuki, H. 1954. Sphagnum species in the Oze District. Jpn. J. Bot. 12: 325-348.
- Suzuki, H. 1955. A list of Sphagnum species from Hokkaido with descriptions of the new additions to Japanese flora. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, 7: 63-89.
- Suzuki, H. 1956. Studies on the Palustria group of the Sphagna of Japan. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, 7: 153-172.
- Suzuki, H. 1958. Taxonomical studies on the Subsecunda group of the genus Sphagnum in Japan, with specieal reference to variation and geographical distribution. Jpn. J. Bot. 16: 227-268.
- Suzuki, H. 1967. Notes on the section Squarrosa of Sphagnum in Japan. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, 11: 247-267.
- 滝田謙譲. 1999. 北海道におけるミズゴケの分布及びその変異について. Miyabea 4: 1-84.
クロゴケ科 Andreaeaceae
- 高木典雄. 1953. 日本産クロゴケ属. 服部植物研究所報告 10: 30-34.
ナンジャモンジャゴケ科 Takakiaceae
- Hattori, S. & Mizutani, M. 1958. What is Takakia lepidozioides? J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 295-303.
- Hattori, S. & Sharp, A. J., Mizutani, M. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1968. Takakia ceratophylla and T. lepidozioides of Pacific North America and a short history of the genus. Misc. Bryol. Lich. 4: 137-149.
ヨツバゴケ科 Tetraphidaceae
キセルゴケ科 Buxbaumiaceae
- 野口彰. 1935. 日本産チャウジゴケ類蘚類図説. 植物研究雑誌 11: 267-275.
イクビゴケ科 Diphysciaceae
- 野口 彰. 1935. 日本産チャウジゴケ類蘚類図説. 植物研究雑誌 11: 267-275.
- 高木典雄. 1950. 日本産蘚類植物報告(3). 植物研究雑誌 25: 185-188.
- 出口博則. 1983. イクビゴケ科の蘚類. しだとこけ, 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号: 27-33.
- Deguchi, H. 1984. Diphyscium unipapillosum, sp. nov. (Diphysciaceae, Musci) from Japan. J. Jpn. Bot. 59: 97-103.
- Deguchi, H. 1984. Study on Theriotia kashmirensis (Diphysciaceae, Musci). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10: 143-152.
スギゴケ科 Polytrichaceae
- Hyvonen, J. 1989. A synopsis of genus Pogonatum (Polytrichaceae, Musci). Acta Bot. Fennica 138: 1-87.
- 松村任三・三好 学. 1899-1902. 新撰日本植物図説下等隠花部第1-2巻.
- 野口 彰. 1957. 日本産スギゴケ属(Polytrichum)の検索. 蘚苔地衣雑報 11: 4-5.
- Noguchi, A. & Osada, T. 1960. Musci japonici. VI. The genus Atrichum. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 23: 122-147.
- 長田武正・野口彰. 1962. カギバニワスギゴケの正体. 植物研究雑誌 37: 361-365.
- Osada, T. 1965. Japanese Polytrichaceae. I. Introduction and the genus Pogonatum. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 171-201.
- Osada, T. 1966. Japanese Polytrichaceae. II. The genera Atrichum, Oligotrichum, Bartramiopsis and Atrichum and phytogeography. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 1-52.
ホウオウゴケ科 Fissidentaceae
- Iwatsuki, Z. 1967. Critical or otherwise interesting Fissidens species in Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 91-104.
- Iwatsuki, Z. 1969. Notes on Japanese Fissidens. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 311-318.
- Iwatsuki, Z. & Suzuki, T. 1982. A taxonomic revision of the Japanese species of Fissidens (Musci). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 329-508.
- Iwatsuki, Z. & Suzuki, T. 2002. Three new species of Fissidens from Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 92: 165-173.
- 岩月善之助・鈴木 直. 2002. 蘚類新種記載の裏話. 蘚苔類研究 8: 151-152.
ツチゴケ科 Archidiaceae
キンシゴケ科 Ditrichaceae
- 岩月善之助・高木典雄. 1982. Micromitrium megalosporum(オオミカンムリゴケ,新称)は日本にも産する. 日本蘚苔類学会会報 3: 68-76.
- Matsui, T. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1990. A taxonomic revision of the family Ditrichaceae (Musci) of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68: 317-366.
- Deguchi, H. Matsui, T. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1994. A new species of Pleuridium (Musci: Ditrichaceae) from Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75: 23-32.
- Takaki, N. 1957. Contributions to the moss flora of mountainous districts in central Japan, III. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 18: 93-97.
エビゴケ科 Bryoxiphiaceare
キヌシッポゴケ科 Seligeriaceae
- Furuki, T., Higuchi, M. 1983. A new locality of Seligeria donniana (Sw.) C. Muell. in Japan. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3: 122.
- Higuchi, M. 1980. New localities of Seligeria austriaca Schauer and S. pusilla (Hedw.) B.S.G. in Japan. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 2: 165-166.
- Higuchi, M. 1984. Four species of Seligeriaceae (Musci) newly found in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Hikobia 9: 57-60.
シッポゴケ科 Dicranaceae
- Akiyama, H. 1984. Two new species of Trematodon (Musci) from Japan. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 35: 21-29.
- Takaki, N. 1962. A revision of the genus Trematodon. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 25: 263-278.
- Takaki, N. 1964. A revision of the genus Dicranum. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 27: 73-123.
- 高木典雄. 1964. 日本産のDicranoweisia属. 服部植物研究所報告 39: 149-151.
- Takaki, N. 1966. A revision of the genus Dicranoloma. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 214-222.
- Takaki, N. 1967. A reision of the genus Campylopus. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 231-248.
- Takaki, N. 1968. Notes on the genus Brothera C.Muell. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 283-292.
シラガゴケ科 Leucobryaceae
- Yamaguchi, T. 1993. A revision of the genus Leucobryum (Musci) in Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73: 1-123.
- 山口富美夫. 1993. 日本産シラガゴケ科蘚類の検索表. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Japan 6(2): 15-20.
カタシロゴケ科 Calymperaceae
センボンゴケ科 Pottiaceae
- Chen, P.C. 1941. Studien ?ber die ostasiatischen Arten der Pottiaceae I. Hedwigia 80: 1-76.
- Chen, P.C. 1941. Studien ?ber die ostasiatischen Arten der Pottiaceae II. Hedwigia 80: 141-322.
- Kiguchi, H., Stone, I.G. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1966. Uleobryum naganoi sp. nov. (Pottiaceae) found in Japan. Hikobia 12: 157-160.
- 野口 彰. 1951. Weisiopsis属の蘚類. 植物研究雑誌 26: 129-134.
- Noguchi, A. 1956. On some mosses of Merceya, with special reference to the variation and ecology. Kumamoto J. Sci, Ser. B, Sect. 2, 2: 239-257, pls. I-V.
- Saito, K. 1972. Taxonomic and phytogeographic studies of specimens previously reported as Molendoa sendtneriana. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 163-170.
- Saito, K. 1973. Memoir of the Japanese Pottiaceae (I). Subfamily Pottioideae. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 16: 61-91.
- Saito, K. 1975. A monograph of Japanese Pottiaceae (Musci). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 373-537.
- Deguchi, H. 1987. Luisierella (Pottiaceae, Musci), a moss genus with a disjunctive distribution in Neotropics and Japan. J. Jap. Bot. 62: 7-15.
- Kiguchi, H., Stone, I. G. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1996. Uleobryum naganoi sp. nov. (Pottiaceae) found in Japan. Hikobia 12: 157-160.
- 木口博史・岩月善之助・立石幸敏. 2000?. 日本産ロカイゴケ属Aloina(センボンゴケ科)の研究. 蘚苔類研究 7: 146-151.
- Yamaguchi, T. 2006. Pachyneuropsis miyagii T.Yamag. (Pottiaceae), a new species from Okinawa Island, Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 100: 577–580.
- Inoue, Y., Tsubota, H., Kubo, H., Uchida, S., Mukai, S., Shimamura, M. & Deguchi, H. 2011. A note on Pottia intermedia (Turner) Fürnr. (Pottiaceae, Bryopsida) with special reference to its phylogeny and new localities in SW Japan. Hikobia 16: 67-78.
- Inoue, Y., Uchida, S. & Tsubota, H. 2013. Notes on rhizoidal tubers in Tortula truncata (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) from Japan. Hikobia 16: 299–302.
- Kučera, J., Košnar, J. & Werner, O. 2013. Partial generic revision of Barbula (Musci: Pottiaceae): Re-establishment of Hydrogonium and Streblotrichum, and the new genus Gymnobarbula. Taxon 62: 21–39.
ヤリカツギ科 Encalyptaceae
- Horton, D. 1982. A revision of the Encalyptaceae (Musci), with particular reference to the North American taxa. Part I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53: 365-418.
- Horton, D. 1983. A revision of the Encalyptaceae (Musci), with particular reference to the North American taxa. Part II. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 353-532.
- Horton, D.
ギボウシゴケ科 Grimmiaceae
- Deguchi, H. 1978 [1979]. A revision of the genera Grimmia, Schitidium and Coscinodon of Japan. J. Sci. Hiroshima Uni. ser. b, div. 2, 16: 121-256.
- Cao, T. & Vitt, D.H. 1986. A taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis of Grimmia and Schistidium (Bryopsida; Grimmiaceae) in China. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 123-247.
- Maier, E. 2002. The genus Grimmia (Musci, Grimmiaceae) in the Himalaya. Candollea 57: 143-238.
- Noguchi, A. 1954. Musci japonica IV. Ptychomitrium. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 1-26.
- 野口 彰. 1958. 日本産シモフリゴケ属要説.蘚苔地衣雑報 1: 1-3.
- Noguchi, A. 1974. Musci japonici. X. The genus Racomitrium. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 337-369.
ヒナノハイゴケ科 Erpodiaceae
- Noguchi, A. 1952. Musci japonica II. Erpodiaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 5-17.
ヨレエゴケ科 Disceliaceae
- Noguchi, A. 1974. Musci japonici. XI. The families Disceliaceae, Ephemeraceae, Oedipodiaceae, Splachnaceae, and Schistostegaceae. J. Hattori Bot. lab. 38: 387-404.
カゲロウゴケ科 Ephemeraceae
- Noguchi, A. 1974. Musci japonici. XI. The families Disceliaceae, Ephemeraceae, Oedipodiaceae, Splachnaceae, and Schistostegaceae. J. Hattori Bot. lab. 38: 387-404.
ヒョウタンゴケ科 Funariaceae
- Ochi, H. 1968. A revision of the family Funariaceae (Musci) in Japan and the adjacent regions. Jpn. J. Bot. 20: 1-34.
オオツボゴケ科 Splachnaceae
- Noguchi, A. 1974. Musci japonici. XI. The families Disceliaceae, Ephemeraceae, Oedipodiaceae, Splachnaceae, and Schistostegaceae. J. Hattori Bot. lab. 38: 387-404.
ヒカリゴケ科 Schistostegaceae
- 三好 学. 1912. ヒカリゴケの培養. 植物学雑誌 26: 275-277, 304-306.
- Noguchi, A. 1974. Musci japonici. XI. The families Disceliaceae, Ephemeraceae, Oedipodiaceae, Splachnaceae, and Schistostegaceae. J. Hattori Bot. lab. 38: 387-404.
- Toda, Y. 1918. Physiological studies on Schistostega osmundacea (Dicks.) Mohr. J. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 40: 1-30.
ハリガネゴケ科 Bryaceae
- Ochi, H. 1959. A revision of the Bryaceae in Japan and the adjacent regions. 124 pp., Tottori Univ., Tottori.
チョウチンゴケ科 Mniaceae
- Kabiersch, W. 1936. Studien ?ber die ostasiatischen Arten einiger Laubmoosfamiliern (Mniacdeae-Bartramiaceae). Hedwigia 76: 1-94.
- Koponen, T. 1971. A report on Rhizomnium (Mniaceae) in Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 365-390.
- Koponen, T. 1973. A preliminary report on the Mniaceae in Japan I. Hikobia 6: 185-202.
- Koponen, T. 1974. A preliminary report on the Mniaceae in Japan II. Hikobia 7: 1-20.
- 野口 彰. 1952. Mnium esicatum Besch.及びその近縁種. 植物研究雑誌 27: 27-32.
- 野口 彰. 1956. 日本産チョウチンゴケ属の種の検索. 蘚苔地衣雑報 1(7): 5-6.
ヒモゴケ科 Aulacomniaceae
ホゴケ科 Racopilaceae
ヒノキゴケ科 Rhizogoniaceae
- Inoue, S. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1976. A cytotaxonomic study of the genus Rhizogonium Brid. (Musci). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 41: 389-403.
キダチゴケ科 Hypnodendraceae
ヌマチゴケ科 Meesiaceae
クサスギゴケ科 Timmiaceae
タマゴケ科 Bartramiaceae
- Kabiersch, W. 1936. Studien ?ber die ostasiatischen Arten einiger Laubmoosfamiliern (Mniacdeae-Bartramiaceae). Hedwigia 76: 1-94.
- 野口 彰. 1958. 日本産チョウチンゴケ属の種の検索. 蘚苔地衣雑報 1(17): 2-3.
- Ochi, H. 1962. Contribution to the moss of Bartramiaceae in Japan and the adjacent regions I. Nova Hedwigia 4: 87-108.
- Ochi, H. 1962. Contribution to the moss of Bartramiaceae in Japan and the adjacent regions II. Nova Hedwigia 5: 911-915.
タチヒダゴケ科 Orthotrichaceae
- Iwatsuki, Z. 1959. A revision of the Japanese species of the genus Ulota. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21: 138-156.
- Noguchi, A. 1967. Musci japonica VII. Macromitrium. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 205-230.
- Noguchi, A. 1968. Musci japonica VIII. Orthotrichum. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 113-129.
- Toyama, R. 1939. Orthotrichum. J. Jap. Bot. 14: 617-626.
カワゴケ科 Fontinalaceae
- Welch, W. 1960. A Monograph of the Fontinalaceae. 357 pp., Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague.
コウヤノマンネングサ科 Climaciaceae
- Noguchi, A. 1952. Mosses of Climaciaceae. Res. Bull. Fac. Lib. Arts Oita Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 1: 65-77.
フジノマンネンゴケ科 Pleuroziopsidaceae
ヒジキゴケ科 Hedwigiaceae
イトヒバゴケ科 Cryphaeaceae
- 野口 彰. 1947. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の一). 服部植物研究所報告 2: 27-79.
- Stark, L.R. 1983. A new species of Forsstroemia from eastern Asia. Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 181-183.
イタチゴケ科 Leucodontaceae
- Akiyama, H. 1987. Studies on Leucodon (Leucodontaceae, Musci) and related genera in East Asia. I. Taxonomic revision of Leucodon from Taiwan. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 100: 319-333.
- Akiyama, H. 1988. Studies on Leucodon (Leucodontaceae, Musci) and related genera in East Asia. IV. Taxonomic revision of Leucodon in East Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 1-80.
- 野口 彰. 1947. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の一). 服部植物研究所報告 2: 27-79.
- Noguchi, A. 1968. On some species of Leucodon (Musci) from Asia. J. Jpn. Bot. 43: 455-461.
タイワントラノオゴケ科 Prionodontaceae
- 野口 彰. 1947. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の一). 服部植物研究所報告 2: 27-79.
ムジナゴケ科 Trachypodaceae
- 野口 彰. 1947. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の一). 服部植物研究所報告 2: 27-79.
ヒムロゴケ科 Pterobryaceae
- 野口 彰. 1947. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の一). 服部植物研究所報告 2: 27-79.
ハイヒモゴケ科 Meteoriaceae
- 野口 彰. 1948. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の二). 服部植物研究所報告 3: 53-98.
- Noguchi, A. 1976. A taxonomic revision of the family Meteoriaceae of Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 41: 231-357.
ヒラゴケ科 Neckeraceae
- 野口 彰. 1950. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の三). 服部植物研究所報告 4: 1-48.
- Enroth, J. 1994. A taxonomic monograph of the genus Pinnatella (Neckeraceae, Bryopsida). Acta Bot. Fennica 151: 1-90.
オオトラノオゴケ科 Thamnobryaceae
トラノオゴケ科 Lembophyllaceae
- 野口 彰. 1950. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の三). 服部植物研究所報告 4: 1-48.
- 野口彰. 1956. 「日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類」の補遺2. 服部植物研究所報告 16: 123-127.
- Noguchi, A. 1965. On some species of the moss genus Calyptothecium. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 78: 63-67.
アブラゴケ科 Hookeriaceae
ウニゴケ科 Symphyodontaceae
クジャクゴケ科 Hypopterygiaceae
ヒゲゴケ科 Theliaceae
コゴメゴケ科 Fabroniaceae
- Buck, W. R. & Crum, H. 1978. A re-interpretation of the Fabroniaceae with notes on selected genera. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 347-369.
- Buck, W. R. 1980. A re-interpretation of the Fabroniaceae, additions and corrections. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 45-55.
- Buck, W. R. 1981. A re-interpretation of the Fabroniaceae, III. Anacamptodon and Fabronidium revisited, Mamillariella, Helicodontiadelphus and Bryobartlettia gen. nov. Brittonia 33: 473-481.
- Taoda, H. 1977. Studies on the Fabroniaceae of Japan I. Hikobia 8: 46-57.
- Taoda, H. 1980. Studies on the Fabroniaceae of Japan II. Hikobia 8: 298-321.
ウスグロゴケ科 Leskeaceae
- Noguchi, A. 1972. Musci japonici IX. The Leskeaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 499-529.
シノブゴケ科 Thuidiaceae
- Fang, Y-M. & Koponen, T. 2001. A revision of Thuidium, Haplocladium, and Claopodium (Musci, Thuidiaceae) in China. Bryobrothera 6: 1-81.
- Noguchi, A. 1957. A revision of the genus Haplohymenium Doz. et Molk. (Musci). Kumamoto J. Sci. Ser. B, Sect. 2, 3: 20-31, pl. I.
- Watanabe, R. 1972. A revision of the family Thuidiaceae in Japan and adjacent areas. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 171-320.
- Watanabe, R. 1991. Notes on the Thuidiaceae in Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69: 37-47.
- 渡辺良象. 1992. 日本産シノブゴケ属. 自然環境科学研究 5: 57-72.
ヤナギゴケ科 Amblystegiaceae
- Kanda, H. 1975. A revision of the family Amblystegiaceae of Japan I. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, 15: 201-276.
- Kanda, H. 1976 [1977]. A revision of the family Amblystegiaceae of Japan II. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, 16: 47-119.
アオギヌゴケ科 Brachytheciaceae
- Takaki, N. 1955. Researches on the Brachytheciaceae of Japan and its adjacent areas (I). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 1-28.
- Takaki, N. 1955. Researches on the Brachytheciaceae of Japan and its adjacent areas (II). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 1-69.
- Takaki, N. 1956. Researches on the Brachytheciaceae of Japan and its adjacent areas (III). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 16: 1-71.
ツヤゴケ科 Entodontaceae
- Mizushima, U. 1960. Japanese Entodontaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 91-158.
サナダゴケ科 Plagiotheciaceae
- Iwatsuki, Z. 1970. A revision of Plagiothecium and its related genera from Japan and her adjacent areas, I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 331-380.
ナワゴケ科 Myuriaceae
- Iwatsuki, Z. 1979. Re-examination of Myurium and its related genera from Japan and its adjacent areas. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 257-283.
- 野口彰. 1947. 日本,琉球,台湾産イタチゴケ亜族及びメリンスゴケ亜族の蘚類(其の一).服部植物研究所報告 2: 27-79.
ナガハシゴケ科 Sematophyllaceae
- Horikawa, Y. & Seki, T. 1960. Studies on the genus Brotherella in Japan (1). Hikobia 2: 75-98.
- Noguchi, A. & Inoue, S. 1981. Identity of Calstobryella kusatsuensis (Besch.) Iwats. with Brotherella yokohamae (Broth.) Broth. Hikobia Suppl. 1: 39-44.
- Seki, T. 1968 [1969]. A revision of the family Sematophyllaceae of Japan with specieal reference to a statistical demarcation of the family. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B, Div. 2, 12: 1-80.
ハイゴケ科 Hypnaceae
- Ando, H. 1956. The Hypnum species restricted to Japan and adjacent areas (1). J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, 7: 143-152.
- Ando, H. 1957. The Hypnum species restricted to Japan and adjacent areas (2). J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, 8: 1-18.
- Ando, H. 1958. The Hypnum species restricted to Japan and adjacent areas (3). J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, 8: 167-208.
- Ando, H. 1958. Tutigaea, a new genus of Hypnaceae from Japan. J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 175-181.
- Ando, H. 1964. A revision of the East-Asian species of Homomallium, a genus of Musci I. Hikobia 4: 28-42.
- Ando, H. 1965. A revision of the East-Asian species of Homomallium, a genus of Musci II. Hikobia 4: 161-177.
- 安藤久次. 1994. 日本のハイゴケ属Ⅰ.自然環境科学研究 7: 63-90.
- 安藤久次. 1994. 日本のハイゴケ属Ⅱ.自然環境科学研究 8: 67-99.
- Higuchi, M. 1984. Platygyrium repens (Brid.) B.S.G. (Musci) in Japan. Hikobia 9: 51-55.
- Higuchi, M. 1985. A taxonomic revision of the genus Gollania Broth. (Musci). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 1-77.
- Iwatsuki, Z. & Deguchi, H. 1981. Propagules found in Isopterygium pohliaecarpum and related species. Hikobia Suppl. 1: 105-110.
- Nishimura, N. 1985. A revision of the genus Ctenidium (Musci). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 1-82.
- Nishimura, N. 1986. Ectropothecium andoi, a new mos species from Japan. Hikobia 9: 331-334.
イワダレゴケ科 Hylocomiaceae
- Koponen, T. 1971. Rhytidiadelphus japonicus and R. subpinnatus. Hikobia 6: 18-35.
キリシマゴケ科 Herbertaceae
- 服部新佐. 1984. サクライキリシマゴケの基準標本. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Japan 3: 166-167.
- Inoue, H. 1977. Studies on Taiwan Hepaticae, II. Herbertaceae. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B. 3: 1-11.
- Miller, H. A. 1965. A review of Herberta in the tropical Pacific and Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 299-412.
マツバウロコゴケ科 Pseudolepicoleaceae
- 服部新佐・桑原幸信. 1952. 日本産Blepharostomaの研究. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 63-67.
- Hattori, S. & Mizutani, M. 1968. Asiatic species of Pseudolepicolea (Hepaticae). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 251-259.
オオサワラゴケ科 Mastigophoraceae
- Inoue, H. 1971. Memoir of the genus Mastigophora Nees. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 14: 603-608.
- Inoue, H. 1978. Studies on Taiwan Hepaticae, III. Subord. Herbertinae and subord. Ptilidiinae. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. B 4: 93-103.
ヤクシマスギバゴケ科 Lepicoleaceae
ムクムクゴケ科 Trichocoleaceae
- Katagiri, T., Miyauchi, H. & Deguchi, H. 2011. Trichocolea japonica (Trichocoleaceae), a new species from Japan. Bryologist 114: 744-748.
- Katagiri, T. & Deguchi, H. 2012. Taxonomic studies of the Trichocoleaceae in Southeast Asia I. The genus Leiomitra Lindb. Bryologist 115: 475-492.
- Katagiri, T., Suleiman, M. & Deguchi, H. 2012. Taxonomic studies of the Trichocoleaceae in Southeast Asia II. A new species of Eotrichocolea from Malaysia. Bryologist 115: 518-522.
- Katagiri, T., Sadamitsu, A., Miyauchi, H., Tsubota, H. & Deguchi, H. 2013. Taxonomic studies of the Trichocoleaceae in Southeast Asia III. The genus Trichocolea Dumort. Hattoria 4: 1-42.
ムチゴケ科 Lepidoziaceae
- 服部新佐・水谷正美. 1958. A revision of the Japanese species of the family Lepidoziaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 19: 76-118.
- 水谷正美. 1977. 日本産コスギバゴケ属について. Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 7: 193-195.
- 水谷正美. 1992. フタバムチゴケとニシムチゴケ(新称). Proc. Bryol. Soc. Japan 5: 196-198.
ツキヌキゴケ科 Calypogeiaceae
- Hattori, S. & Mizutani, M. 1967. Metacalypogeia schusterana and M. quelpaertensis. Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 4: 121-124.
- Inoue, H. 1959. On Metacalypogeia, a new genus of Hepaticae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21: 231-235.
- 井上 浩. 1966. 日本産Calypogeia属の問題点. J. Jpn. Bot. 41: 134-140.
- 井上 浩. 1971. Calypogeia neesiana 群(苔類)の分布と分類学的問題. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo (4): 55-58.
- 井上 浩. 1983. 山形県朝日岳周辺に於けるCalypogeia属苔類. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo (16): 99-104.
- Schuster, R. M. 1995. Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of Jungermanniidae, III. Calypogeiaceae. Fagm. Flor. Geobot. 40: 825-888.
- Yamada, K. & Yuzawa, Y. 1977. A key for the genus Calypogeia (Hepaticae) from Japan. Bryol. Res. 7: 72-75.
ヤバネゴケ科 Cephaloziaceae
- Amakawa, T. 1952. 日本産ヤバネゴケ研究 (1). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 7: 68-75.
- Amakawa, T. 1952. 日本産ヤバネゴケ研究 (2). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 55-62.
- Grolle, R. 1968. Monographie der Gattung Nowellia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 20-49.
- Inoue, H. 1981. On two species of Cephalozia (Hepaticae) new to the Japanese flora. Hikobia suppl. 1: 101-104.
- Kitagawa, N. 1969. Studies on the Hepaticae of Thailand. II. Cephalozia and Cephaloziella. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 290-306.
コヤバネゴケ科 Cephaloziellaceae
- Furuki,T. 1992. 日本産コヤバネゴケ属について. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Japan 5: 155-158.
- Kitagawa, N. 1962. On some species of Cephaloziella in Japan. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 19: 49-53.
- 北川尚史. 1965. 日本産 Cephaloziellaceae. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 21: 107-116.
- Kitagawa, N. 1969. Studies on the Hepaticae of Thailand. II. Cephalozia and Cephaloziella. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 290-306.
タカサゴソコマメゴケ科 Jackiellaceae
カサナリゴケ科 Antheliaceae
- 水谷正美. 1967. 日本産Anthelia ノート. Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 4: 79.
ツボミゴケ科 Jungermanniaceae
- Amakawa, T. 1959. Family Jungermanniaceae of Japan. I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21: 248-291.
- Amakawa, T. 1960. Family Jungermanniaceae of Japan. II. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 1-90.
- Hara, M. 1956. Revision of the Jungermanniaceae in Shikoku, southern Japan (I). Research Rep. Kochi Univ. 5(33): 1-9.
- Hara, M. 1957. Revision of the Jungermanniaceae in Shikoku, southern Japan (II). Research Rep. Kochi Univ. 6(13): 1-9.
- Hara, M. 1957. Revision of the Jungermanniaceae in Shikoku, southern Japan (III). Research Rep. Kochi Univ. 7(22): 1-21.
- Kitagawa, N. 1965. A revision of the family Lophoziaceae of Japan and its adjacent regions. I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 239-291.
- Kitagawa, N. 1966. A revision of the family Lophoziaceae of Japan and its adjacent regions II. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 101-149.
- Vana, J. 1972. Miscellaneous notes on the Asiatic Jungermannioideae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 35: 312-318.
- Vana, J. 1972. Miscellaneous notes on the Asiatic Jungermannioideae II. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 57-74.
- Vana, J. 1974. Miscellaneous notes on the Asiatic Jungermannioideae III. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 275-214.
- Vana, J. 1975. Miscellaneous notes on the Asiatic Jungermannioideae IV. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 211-214.
- Vana, J. & Inoue, H. 1983. Studies in Taiwan Hepaticae V. Jungermanniaceae. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, ser. B, 9: 125-142.
ミゾゴケ科 Gymnomitriaceae
- Kitagawa, N. 1963. A revision of the family Marsupellaceae of Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 76-118.
ヒシャクゴケ科 Scapaniaceae
- 尼川大録・服部新佐. 1954. 日本産ヒシャクゴケ属の種類. J. Jpn. Bot. 29: 117-121.
- Amakawa, T. 1953. A revision of the Japanese Scapaniaceae (I). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 45-62.
- Amakawa, T. 1954. A revision of the Japanese Scapaniaceae (II). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 91-112.
- Amakawa, T. 1955. A revision of the Japanese Scapaniaceae (III). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 71-90.
- Inoue, H. 1972. Studies on Formosan Hepaticae. 1. Introduction and Scapaniaceae. J. Jpn. Bot. 20: 311-327.
ウロコゴケ科 Geocalycaceae
- Inoue, H. 1959. A review of Japanese species of Lophocolea Dum. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21: 214-230.
- Inoue, H. 1969. New and interesting hepatics from the Nasu Villa collected by her majesty. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12: 653-658.
ハネゴケ科 Plagiochilaceae
- Inoue, H. 1958. The family Plagiochilaceae of Japan and Formosa. I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 19: 25-59.
- Inoue, H. 1958. The family Plagiochilaceae of Japan and Formosa. II. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 54-106.
- So, M. L. 2001. Plagiochila (Hepaticae, Plagiochilaceae) in China. Systematic Botany Monographs 60: 1-214.
チチブイチョウゴケ科 Acrobolbaceae
- Hattori, S. 1951. The genus Acrobolbus (Hepaticae) in Japan. J. Jpn. Bot. 26: 96.
オヤコゴケ科 Schistochilaceae
- Inoue, H. 1985. Studies on Taiwan Hepaticae VI. Schistochilaceae. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 11: 109-118.
ヤクシマゴケ科 Balantiopsaceae
- Hatcher, R. E. 1960. A monograph of the genus Isotachis (Hepaticae). I. Nova Hedwigia 2: 573-608.
- Hatcher, R. E. 1961. A monograph of the genus Isotachis (Hepaticae). II. Nova Hedwigia 3: 1-35, pls. 1-30.
ミズゴケモドキ科 Pleuroziaceae
- Thiers, B. 1993. A monograph of Pleurozia (Hepaticae; Pleuroziaceae). Bryologist 96: 517-554.
ケビラゴケ科 Radulaceae
- Yamada, K. 1979. A revision of Asian taxa of Radula, Hepaticae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 201-322.
- 山田耕作. 1979. 日本産ケビラゴケ属苔類の種類. Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 8: 90-94.
テガタゴケ科 Ptilidiaceae
- Hattori, S. 1952. Ptilidium californicum and other nearctic liverworts in Japan. Bryologist 55:147-149.
サワラゴケ科 Lepidolaenaceae
- Trichocoleopsis, Neotorichocolea
クラマゴケモドキ科 Porellaceae
- Ando, H. 1960. Ecological notes on the Porella vernicosa complex. Hikobia 2: 45-52
- Hara, M. 1956. A review of Porella from Shikoku, southern Japan. Res. Rep. Kochi Univ. 4: 1-27.
- Hattori, S. 1967. Studies of the Asiatic species of the genus Porella (Hepaticae). I. Some new or little known Asiatic species of Porella. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 129-151.
- Hattori, S. 1969. Studies of the Asiatic species of the genus Porella (Hepaticae). II. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 319-359.
- Hattori, S. 1970. Studies of the Asiatic species of the genus Porella (Hepaticae). III. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 41-87..
- Hattori, S. 1971. Studies of the Asiatic species of the genus Porella (Hepaticae). IV. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 411-428.
- 井上 浩. 1955. 秩父奥多摩産クラマゴケモドキ属苔類について.秩父自然科学博物館研究報告6: 23-37.
- 児玉 努. 1956. 近畿地方の苔類(1)クラマゴケモドキ科. しだとこけ 7: 51-62.
ヤスデゴケ科 Frullaniaceae
- Kamimura, M. 1961. A monograph of Japanese Frullaniaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 24: 1-109.
- 湯沢陽一. 2000. 日本のヤスデゴケ属(ヤスデゴケ科,苔類)1. 自然環境科学研究 13: 1-24.
- 湯沢陽一. 2001. 日本のヤスデゴケ属(ヤスデゴケ科,苔類)2. 自然環境科学研究 14: 1-47.
- Yuzawa, Y. & Hattori, S. 1981. An enumeration of Frullania species found in Fukushima prefecture, Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 50: 253-257.
ヒメウルシゴケ科 Jubulaceae
- Kamimura, M. 1961. A monograph of Japanese Frullaniaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 24: 1-109.
- Mizutani, M. 1961. A revision of Japanese Lejeuneaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 24: 115-302.
- Jubula, Nipponolejeunea
クサリゴケ科 Lejeuneaceae
- 尼川大録. 1960. 日本産苔類報告 (10). J. Jpn. Bot. 35: 161-166.
- 尼川大録. 1960. 日本産苔類報告 (11). J. Jpn. Bot. 35: 363-368.
- 尼川大録. 1961. 日本産苔類報告 (12). J. Jpn. Bot. 36: 401-404.
- 尼川大録. 1964. 日本産苔類報告 (13). J. Jpn. Bot. 39: 135-139.
- 尼川大録. 1965. 日本産苔類報告 (14). J. Jpn. Bot. 40: 307-310.
- 尼川大録. 1970. 日本産苔類報告 (15). Ceratolejeunea and Lopholejeunea of Ryukyus. J. Jpn. Bot. 40: 307-310.
- Gradstein, R. 1991. Diversity and distribution of Asian Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae. Tropical Bryol. 4: 1-16.
- Mizutani, M. 1961. A revision of Japanese Lejeuneaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 24: 115-302.
- Mizutani, M. 1966. Supplement to “revision of Japanese Lejeuneaceae”. II. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 290-293.
- Mizutani, M. 1979. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 1. Some Asiatic species of the genus Lopholejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 375-387.
- Mizutani, M. 1979. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 2. Some peculiar Asiatic species in the Rijkshaerbarium, Leiden. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 357-372.
- Mizutani, M. 1980. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 3. Some Asiatic species of the genus Cheilolejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 319-331.
- Mizutani, M. 1980. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 4. Asiatic species of the genus Dicranolejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 235-242.
- Mizutani, M. 1981. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 5. Some Asiatic species of the genus Ceratolejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 305-318.
- Mizutani, M. 1982. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 6. Japanese species of the genus Cheilolejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 151-173.
- Mizutani, M. 1984. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 8. Japanese species of the subgenus Taeniolejeunea of the genus Cololejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab.
- Mizutani, M. 1984. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 9. Cololejeunea lanciloba and its related species in Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 427-442.
- Mizutani, M. 1985. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 10. Some Asiatic species of the genus Lopholejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 469-480.
- Mizutani, M. 1986. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 11. Cololejeunea spinosa and its related species in Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 439-450.
- Mizutani, M. 1986. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 12. Mastigolejeunea humilis and its related species from Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 281-297.
- Mizutani, M. 1987. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 13. Some Asiatic species of the genus Thysananthus. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63: 411-419.
- Mizutani, M. 1988. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 14. Asiatic species of the genus Caudalejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64: 389-399.
- Mizutani, M. 1989. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 15. Three species of the genus Trocholejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66: 271-281.
- Mizutani, M. 1990. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 16. Drepanolejeunea thwaitesiana and its related species from Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68: 367-380.
- Mizutani, M. 1992. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 17. Lejeunea curviloba and its related species from Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71: 123-132.
- Mizutani, M. 1993. Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 18. Japanese species of the genus Archilejeunea. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73: 175-182.
コマチゴケ科 Haplomitriaceae
- Schuster, R. M. 1967. Studies on Hepaticae XV: Calobryales. Nova Hedwigia 13: 1-64, figs. I-XII.
トロイブゴケ科 Treubiaceae
- Hattori, S., Sharp, A. J., Mizutani, M. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1966. The systematic possition and distribution of Treubia nana. Bryologist 69: 488-492.
- Inoue, H. 1960. Studies in Treubia nana (Hepaticae) with special reference to the antheridial development. Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 73: 255-230.
- Schuster, R. M. & Scott, G. A. M. 969. A study of the family Treubiaceae (Hepaticae; Metzgeriales). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 219-268.
ウロコゼニゴケ科 Fossombroniaceae
- Inoue,H. 1973. The genus Fossombronia Raddi in Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 293-297.
- Schuster, R. M. 1994. Studies on Metzgeriales. III. The classification of the Fossombroniaceae and on Austrofossombronia Schust., gen. n. Hikobia 12: 439-449.
ミズゼニゴケ科 Pelliaceae
- Furuki, T. 1993. ミズゼニゴケはやはり日本に産する. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Japan 6: 31-34.
- 水谷正美. 1978. 日本産のPelliaについて. Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 8: 55-57.
- 水谷正美. 1998. エゾミズゼニゴケとホソバミズゼニゴケ. 三重コケの会ニュース 19: 19-22.
リソンゴケ科 Allisoniaceae
- Calycularia
マキノゴケ科 Makinoaceae
- Hattori, S. & Mizutani, M. 1966. A range extension for Makinoa, a monotypic genus of thalloid Hepaticae. J. Jpn. Bot. 41: 193-197.
クモノスゴケ科 Pallaviciniaceae
- Grolle, R. & Piippo, S. 1986. Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XVI. Acta Bot. Fennica 133: 59-79.
- Inoue, H. 1981. Taxonomic miscellany on Hepatics (1). J. Jpn. Bot. 56: 105-110.
- Inoue, H. 1985. Studies on Pallaviciniaceae and Alisoniaceae (Metzgeriales) in Japan II. The genus Moerckia Gott. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 11: 1-10.
- Schuster, R. M., & Inoue, H. 1975. Studies on Pallaviciniaceae and Allisoniaceae (Metzgeriales) in Japan I. Introduction and genus Hattorianthus gen. nov. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B., 1: 101-107.
- Krayeskey, D. M., Crandall-Stotler, B. & Stotler, R. E. 2005. A revision of the genus Fossombronia Raddi in East Asia and Oceania. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 98: 1-45.
ウスバゼニゴケ科 Blasiaceae
スジゴケ科 Aneuraceae
- Furuki, T. 1991. A taxonomical revision of the Aneuraceae (Hepaticae) of Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70: 293-397.
- Furuki, T.
- Mizutani, M. & Hattori, S. 1957. An etude on the systematics of Japanese Riccardias. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 18: 27-64.
フタマタゴケ科 Metzgeriaceae
- Kuwahara, Y. 1958. A revision of the Japanese species of the genus Metzgeria. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 124-141.
- Kuwahara, Y. 1976. Metzgeria temperata, a new holoarctic species of Hepaticae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 217-220.
ハマグリゼニゴケ科 Targioniaceae
- Hattori, S. & Mizutani, M. 1959. Marchantiales of Japan. V. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21: 132-137.
ミカヅキゼニゴケ科 Lunulariaceae
ジャゴケ科 Conocephalaceae
アズマゼニゴケ科 Wiesnerellaceae
- Horikawa, Y. 1930. Studies on the Hepaticae of Japan. III. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., ser. 4, 4: 623-650, pls. 21-23.
ジンガサゴケ科 Aytoniaceae
- Hattori, S. & Shimizu, D. 1955. Marchantia of Japan. IV. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 91-107.
- Inoue, H. & Shimizu, D. 1968. Notes on the genus Mannia Corda in Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 11: 405-410.
- Shimizu, D. & Hattori, S. 1952. Studies on the Japanese species of Asterella (1). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 46-54.
- Shimizu, D. & Hattori, S. 1953. Studies on the Japanese species of Asterella (2) J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 25-31.
- Shimizu, D. & Hattori, S. 1953. Marchantia of Japan. I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 32-44.
- Shimizu, D. & Hattori, S. 1953. Marchantia of Japan. II. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10: 49-55.
ジンチョウゴケ科 Cleveaceae
- Shimizu, D. & Hattori, S. 1953. Marchantia of Japan. I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 32-44.
- Shimizu, D. & Hattori, S. 1954. Marchantia of Japan. III. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 53-75.
- Hattori, S. & Shimizu, D. 1955. Marchantia of Japan. IV. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 91-107.
ゼニゴケ科 Marchantiaceae
- Bishler, H. 1987. The typification and synonymy of Japanese Marchantias described by Stephani. Bryologist 90: 331-336.
- Bishler, H. 1989. Marchantia L. The Asiatic and Oceanic taxa. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 38, 1-317 pp. J. Cramer, Berlin.
- Horikawa, Y. 1930. Studies on the Hepaticae of Japan. III. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., ser. 4, 4: 623-650, pls. 21-23.
ヤワラゼニゴケ科 Monosoleniaceae
- Inoue, H. 1966. Monosoleniaceae, a new family segregated from the Marchantiaceae. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. 9: 115-118.
ウキゴケ科 Ricciaceae
- Akiyama, H. 1983. 日本産ウキゴケ属の胞子. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 34: 160-165.
ツノゴケ科 Anthocerotaceae
- Hasegawa, J. 1980. Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae II. Some Asian species of Dendroceros. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 287-309.
- Hasegawa, J. 1983. Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae III. Asian species of Megaceros. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 227-240.
- Hasegawa, J. 1984. Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae IV. A revision of the genera Anthoceros, Phaeoceros and Folioceros in Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 241-272.
- 長谷川二郎. 1985. 日本産ツノゴケ類(Anthocerotae)の検索表. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Japan. 4: 1-3.
- Hasegawa, J. 1993. Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae V. A short revision of Taiwanese Anthocerotae. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 44: 97-112.
ツノゴケモドキ科 Nothothyladaceae
- Hasegawa, J. 1979. Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae I. Acta. Phytotax. Geobot. 30: 15-30.
- 尼川大録. 1954. 日本産苔類報告 (1). J. Jpn. Bot. 29: 177-180.
- 尼川大録. 1956. 日本産苔類報告 (2). J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 47-50. [Jungermannia]
- 尼川大録. 1957. 日本産苔類報告 (3). J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 38-41. [Barbilophozia, Nardia]
- 尼川大録. 1957. 日本産苔類報告 (4). J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 165-169. [Nardia]
- 尼川大録. 1957. 日本産苔類報告 (5). J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 215-219. [Jungermannia]
- 尼川大録. 1957. 日本産苔類報告 (6). J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 307-312. [Jungermannia]
- 尼川大録. 1958. 日本産苔類報告 (7). J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 142-145.
- 尼川大録. 1958. 日本産苔類報告 (8). J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 338-343. [Calypogeia, Jungermannia]
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