提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
このカテゴリには 1,190 ページが含まれており、そのうち以下の 200 ページを表示しています。
(前のページ) (次のページ)I
- Initials
- Initiation
- Initiation complex
- Initiation site
- Inner cell mass
- Inositol trisphosphate
- Inoue Jiménez Sato Tsubota Yamaguchi 2020
- Inspiratory reserve volume
- Instar
- Insulin
- Integrin
- Integument
- Intercostal muscles
- Interdependency
- Interference competition
- Interferon
- Intermediate filaments
- Internal environment
- Internal fertilization
- Internal gills
- Interneuron
- Internode
- Interphase
- Interspecific competition
- Interstitial fluid
- Intestine
- Intraspecific competition
- Intrinsic rate of increase
- Intron
- Invasive species
- Invasiveness
- Inversion
- Ion
- Ion channel
- Ionic bond
- Ionotropic receptors
- Iris
- Island biogeography
- Islands of trees
- Islets of Langerhans
- Iso-
- Isogamous
- Isogenic
- Isomers
- Isomorphic
- Isotonic
- Isotope
- Isozymes
- Iteroparous
- J-shaped distribution
- Jaccard's coefficient
- Jackknife estimate
- Jacobson's organ
- Jactitation
- Jarovization
- Jejunum
- Jelly coat
- Jet effect wind
- Jet stream
- Johnson's organ
- Joint
- Jolly-Seber method
- Jordan's laws
- Jordanon
- Joule
- Juan Fernandez region
- Judicial Commission
- Jumping gene
- Jungle
- Junior homonym
- Junior synonym
- Junk DNA
- Jurassic
- Justified emendation
- Juvenile hormone
- Juvenile water
- L
- Lagging strand
- Larva
- Lateral
- Lateral gene transfer
- Lateral line
- Lateral meristem
- Lateral root
- Laticifer
- Laurasia
- Laws of thermodynamics
- Leaching
- Leading strand
- Leaf
- Leaf primordium
- Leghemoglobin
- Lek
- Length
- Length difference
- Lens
- Lenticel
- Leptin
- Lichen
- Life cycle
- Life history strategy
- Ligament
- Ligand
- Light reactions
- Light Reed 2009
- Light-independent reactions
- Lignin
- Limbic system
- Liming
- Limiting resource
- Lineage species concept
- Linkage
- LinuxAb1File
- Lipase
- Lipid
- Liver
- Loam
- Locus
- Logically consistent
- Logistic growth
- Long-day plant
- Long-term depression
- Long-term potentiation
- Loop of Henle
- Lophophore
- Loss of function mutation
- Low-density lipoproteins
- Lumen
- Lundberg rooting
- Lung
- Luteinizing hormone
- Lymph
- Lymph node
- Lymphatic system
- Lymphocyte
- Lymphoid tissue
- Lysis
- Lysogeny
- Lysosome
- Lysozyme
- Lytic cycle
- M
- M phase
- MacOSXLionMrBayes-MPI
- Macro-
- Macroevolution
- Macromolecule
- Macronutrient
- Macrophage
- Macrophyll
- MADS box
- Maintenance methylase
- Major histocompatibility complex
- Malignant
- Malpighian tubule
- Manuscript
- Map unit
- Marine
- Mark-recapture method
- Mass extinction
- Mass number
- Mast cells
- Maternal effect genes
- Mating type
- Maximum likelihood
- Mechanically gated channel
- Mechanoreceptor
- Medulla
- Medusa
- Megaphyll
- Megaspore
- Megastrobilus
- Meiosis
- Melatonin
- Membrane potential
- Membrane-enclosed
- Membranous bone
- Memory cells
- Mendel's laws
- Meristem
- Meristem identity genes
- Meristic character
- Mesenchyme
- Mesoderm
- Mesoglea