提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
このカテゴリには 1,190 ページが含まれており、そのうち以下の 200 ページを表示しています。
(前のページ) (次のページ)E
- Endemic
- Endemic species
- Endergonic
- Endocrine gland
- Endocytosis
- Endoderm
- Endodermis
- Endomembrane system
- Endometrium
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Endorphins
- Endoskeleton
- Endospore
- Endosymbiosis theory
- Endosymbiotic theory
- Endothelium
- Endotherm
- Endotoxin
- Energetic cost
- Energy
- Energy budget
- Enkephalins
- Ensemble consistency index
- Ensemble retention index
- Enthalpy
- Entropy
- Enveloped virus
- Environment
- Environmental DNA
- Environmentalism
- Enzootic
- Enzyme
- Epi-
- Epiblast
- Epiboly
- Epidermis
- Epididymis
- Epigenetics
- Epinephrine
- Epiphloeophyte
- Epiphyllous
- Epistasis
- Epithelium
- Equilibrium
- Equivocal assignment
- Error signal
- Erythrocyte
- Erythropoietin
- Esophagus
- Essential acids
- Essential element
- Ester linkage
- Ester-linked
- Estivation
- Estrogen
- Estrus
- Ethology
- Ethylene
- Eudicot
- Euglenoids
- Eukarya
- Eukaryotes
- Eusocial
- Eutrophication
- Evaporation
- Evolution
- Evolutionarily significant unit
- Evolutionary radiation
- Evolutionary reversal
- Evolutionary taxonomy
- Evolve
- Exact algorithm
- Excision repair
- Excited state
- Excretion
- Exergonic
- Exhaustive search
- Exocrine gland
- Exocytosis
- Exon
- Exoskeleton
- Exosymbiosis
- Exotoxin
- Expanding triplet repeat
- Experiment
- Expiratory reserve volume
- Exploitation competition
- Exponential growth
- Expression vector
- Expressivity
- Extensor
- External fertilization
- External gills
- Extinction
- Extracellular matrix
- Extraembryonic membranes
- F
- F1
- F2
- Facilitated diffusion
- Facilitation
- Facultative anaerobe
- Fast transformation
- Fast-twitch fibers
- Fat
- Fate map
- Fatty acid
- Fauna
- Feces
- Fecundity
- Feedback information
- Feedforward information
- Felsenstein 1981
- Felsenstein 1985
- Fermentation
- Fertilization
- Fetus
- Fiber
- Fibrin
- Fibrinogen
- Fibrous root system
- Fick's law of diffusion
- Fight-or-flight response
- Filter
- Filter feeder
- First law of thermodynamics
- Fitch optimization
- Fitness
- Fixed action pattern
- Flagella
- Flexor
- Floral
- Floral cup
- Floral envelope
- Floral meristem
- Floral organ identity genes
- Florigen
- Flower
- Fluid feeder
- Fluid mosaic model
- Follicle
- Follicle-stimulating hormone
- Food chain
- Food vacuole
- Food web
- Forebrain
- Fossil
- Fossil fuels
- Founder effect
- Fovea
- Fractional weighting
- Frame-shift mutation
- Frank-Starling law
- Free energy
- Freeze-fracturing
- Frequency-dependent selection
- Fruit
- Functional genomics
- Functional group
- Fundamental niche
- G
- G cap
- G protein
- G1
- G2
- Gain of function mutation
- Gallbladder
- Gametangium
- Gamete
- Gametogenesis
- Gametophyte
- Gamma diversity
- Ganglion
- Ganglion cells
- Gap
- Gap junction
- Gap-coding
- Gap-weighting
- Gaps
- Gastric pits
- Gastrin
- Gastrovascular cavity
- Gastrulation
- Gated channel
- Gel electrophoresis
- Gene
- Gene family
- Gene flow
- Gene pool
- Gene therapy
- Gene tree
- Gene-for-gene resistance
- General character
- Generalized optimization
- Genetic code
- Genetic drift
- Genetic map
- Genetic marker
- Genetic structure