
提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館

HIKOBIA 14(4) (2006年発行)目次

Title Authors Page Note
Choricystis minor (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) as a symbiont of several species of freshwater sponge [半田信司・中原美保・坪田博美・出口博則・益田芳樹・中野武登: タンスイカイメンから得られた共生藻Choricystis minor (トレボウクシア藻鋼,緑色植物門)] Handa, S., Nakahara, M., Tsubota, H., Deguchi, H., Masuda, Y. & Nakano, T. 365-373
Bryophyte diaspore banks in soil and litter of an urban bushland in Perth, Western Australia Biggs, L. & Wittkuhn, R. S. 375-382
Encalypta asiatica (Encalyptaceae, Bryopsida), a new species from Taihang Mountain Range of North China Li, L., Li, M. & Zhao, J.-C. 383-386
Morphological and molecular analyses to solve a taxonomical controversy of Leucobryum juniperoideum (Brid.) Mull.Hal. and L. humillimum Cardot (Leucobryaceae, Musci) in Japan [小栗恵美子・山口富美夫・坪田博美・嶋村正樹・出口博則: 日本産ホソバオキナゴケとツクシシラガゴケの分類学的な問題を解決するための形態学的・分子系統学的解析] Oguri, E., Yamaguchi, T., Tsubota, H., Shimamura, M. & Deguchi, H. 387-398
ウスバゼニゴケの胞子体における形態学的研究 [Shimamura, M., Furuki, T. & Deguchi, H.: Sporophyte anatomy of Blasia pusilla (Blasiales, Blasiaceae)] 嶋村正樹・古木達郎・出口博則 399-402
伊豆諸島八丈島のタイ類ツノゴケ類 [Furuki, T.: Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Hachijo Island, Izu Islands, northern Izu-Mariana Arc] 古木達郎 403-411
Phytoremediation using bryophytes, 2. -- Bryo-filtration of copper in water using two species of Scopelophila -- [井藤賀操・小松由佳梨・山口勇・小野芳朗・榊原均: コケ植物を用いたファイトレメディエーション,2. --Scopelophila属2種の水系Cu浄化能力の比較--] Itouga, M., Komatsu-Kato, Y., Yamaguchi, I., Ono, Y. & Sakakibara, H. 413-418 Itouga et al. (2006)
Mitigation of Cu-toxicity through "bryo-filtration": an evaluation with rice leaf photosynthesis and gene expression profile [須藤恵美・井藤賀操・吉田佳代・小野芳朗・榊原均: コケ植物を用いたCu浄化によるCu毒性の軽減: イネ葉の光合成,遺伝子発現プロファイルからの評価] Sudo, E., Itouga, M., Yoshida, K. Ono, Y. & Sakakibara, H. 419-429
A vegetation-ecological study of deciduous broad-leaved forests in Heilongjiang Province, China: species composition, structure, distribution and phytosociological scheme Wang, L., Fujiwara, K. & You, H-M. 431-457
Urban green spaces and soil microbial diversity in Jakarta, Indonesia Kim, J.-E., Watanabe, S., Hakim, L. & Nakagoshi, N. 459-468
枯損アカマツ林のナラ類実生による環境林創出実験 [Hirakawa, N., Nagashima, K. & Nakagoshi, N.: Experimentat for establishing an environmental forest by deciduous oak seedlings in pine wilting disease forest] 平川法義・長島啓子・中越信和 469-476
モウソウチク拡大前線におけるモウソウチク稈の侵入過程 [Suzuki, S., Takahashi, Y., Kikuchi, A. & Nakagoshi, N.: Process of Phyllostachys pubescens culm invasion at expansion front] 鈴木重雄・高橋泰子・菊池亜希良・中越信和 477-482
Kandelia candel (L.) Druce -- a mangrove population recorded in the Philippines and its leaf and fruit variations among other populations recorded in Thailand, Brunei, Hong Kong and Japan Rotaquio, Jr., E. L., Nakagoshi, N., Rotaquio, R. L. & Roberts, A. 483-491
Nepenthes gymnamphora Nees in East Java, Indonesia: Recent distribution status and new locality from Mt. Semeru Hakim, L., Wartono, A. Y., Batoro, J. & Nakagoshi, N. 493-497
Professor Hisatsugu Ando (1922-2005) Higuchi, M. & Nishimura, N. 499-500
Contributions of Dr. Hisatsugu Ando [出口博則: 安藤久次博士(1922-2005)著作目録] Deguchi, H. 501-512
2004(平成16)年に日本で発表された蘚苔類関係の文献目録 [Iwatsuki, Z. & Higuchi, M.: Bryological literature published in Japan in 2004] 岩月善之助・樋口正信 513-517
Bryophytes of Asia. Fasc. 13 (2006) [出口博則・山口富美夫: アジアの蘚苔類標本第13集] Deguchi, H. & Yamaguchi, T. 519-520
新刊紹介 521-523
投稿規定 525-526


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