Higuchi Bakalin 2013

提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館

Higuchi & Bakalin (2013)


  • Higuchi, M. & Bakalin, V. A. 2013. Taxonomic position and a new locality of Gollania taxiphylloides Ando & Higuchi (Hypnaceae, Bryophyta). Hikobia 16: 289-xxx. [樋口正信・V. A. Bakalin. 2013. キャラハラッコゴケの分類学的位置と新産地. Hikobia 16: 289-xxx.]


  • セン類Gollania taxiphylloidesの新産地と分類学的取扱について報告した.


Higuchi, M. & Bakalin, V. A. 2013. Taxonomic position and a new locality of Gollania taxiphylloides Ando & Higuchi (Hypnaceae, Bryophyta). Hikobia 16: 289-xxx.

Gollania taxiphylloides Ando & Higuchi is transferred to Taxiphyllum. The plants of this species from central Honshu, Japan, with sporophytes were discovered for the first time, and the sprophytic characters indicate the species to be a member of Taxiphyllum. This species is newly recorded from Far East Russia.


広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 にもどる