Contribution rule
広島大学 > デジタル自然史博物館 > 植物 > Hikobia
Manuscript submissions and Instructions to authors
HIKOBIA has been published by the Hikobia Botanical Society since 1950, with one issue per year. HIKOBIA is an international journal dedicated to the dissemination of fundamental knowledge covering all aspects of plant sciences, with particular emphasis on papers on cryptogamic botany, phytogeography, ecological and vegetation sciences, and closely related disciplines. Members of the Hikobia Botanical Society are encouraged to submit manuscripts for publication. Acceptance of a manuscript is at the discretion of the Editorial Committee following peer review.
Manuscript submissions
- Submission of manuscripts is to the Editor-in-Chief of HIKOBIA, in the form and format as outlined in the Instructions to authors on the inside back cover of the Journal.
- Address: c/o Department of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Kagami-yama 1-3-1, Higashi-hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan
- E-mail:
- Fax: +81-82-424-7452
- Manuscripts may be submitted electronically, either as a pdf file, or as a Word-processor file with one hard copy.
- Send electronic files to (only suitable for small volumes of data less than 5 MB) as an E-mail attachment (text and illustrations in separate files); or CD/DVD for data of large volume.
- In case of traditional style, include figures and tables in the electronic copy with high resolution if possible; original figures should be kept at hand until requested.
- Supply the following information with your data: operating system, word processing program, drawing or image processing programs.
Instructions to authors
Layout guidelines
- Use a normal, plain font (e.g., Times New Roman) with the size 12 pt for text, and A4 sheet. For indents, use tab stops, not the space bar.
- Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages. Do not use field functions.
- Use the table functions of your word processing program, not spreadsheets such as MS Excel, to make tables.
- Save the text in both MS Word compatible formats (.doc) and Rich Text Format (.rtf).
- Place separately any figure legends or tables at the end of the manuscript. Submit all figures as separate files and do not integrate them within the text.
Manuscript preparation
Manuscripts must comprise work that has not been published, and should be written in English or Japanese. Number all pages consecutively; if possible number the lines on each page. Arrange the manuscript in the order listed below.
- Cover sheet
- Full name, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone and fax numbers for the corresponding author.
- Title page
- Article title, full name(s) of all author(s), and complete affiliation(s) with complete mailing address(es).
- Abstract
- State clearly a digest of the contents and conclusions of the paper (ca. 200 words).
- Text
- Organize the text following the format of recent issues of the journal Hikobia, i.e., with the Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, and Acknowledgements. To assist in preparation of manuscripts, Hikobia can offer a template that can be used with Word 2000 or 2003 for MS Windows.
Literature cited
Include only published or “in press” literature, arranged alphabetically according to the first author’s surname. Type the list at the end of the manuscript. If available, add the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the literature cited at the end of the reference in question. Note the styles in the following examples:
- Book
- Smith, G. M. 1950. The Fresh-water Algae of the United States. 719 pp. McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Book chapter
- Richards, P. W. 1979. A note on the bryological exploration of North Wales. In Clarke, G. C. S. & Duckett, J. G. (eds.), Bryophyte Systematics, pp. 1–9. Academic Press, London.
- Journal article (use standard Journal abbreviations only)
- Kobayashi, Y. & Watari, S. 1934. Microphotographs of lower plants (V). J. Jpn. Bot. 10: 648–657. (In Japanese).
- Poelt, J. & Buschardt, A. 1978. On some notable lichens from Norway. Norw. J. Bot. 25: 123–136.
- Journal article published online but not yet in print
- Ozeki, M., Isagi, Y., Tsubota, H., Jacklyn, P. & Bowman, D. M. J. S. 2006. Phylogeography of an Australian termite, Amitermes laurensis (Isoptera, Termitidae), with special reference to the variety of mound shapes. Mol. Phylog. Evol. (in press). DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2006.06.024.
Submit separately from the text. Number all tables consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. Give each table a short descriptive title above the table, with footnotes below the table. Type all titles consecutively on a separate sheet together with figure legends. The positions of tables in publication may be changed from the author’s designation.
Submit separately from the text. Cite all figures (photographs, illustrations, graphs, or diagrams) in the text. Number all figures consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. Type all figure legends consecutively on a separate sheet together with table titles. The positions and scale of figures in publication may be changed from the author’s designation.
Units, abbreviations and symbols
Use SI units. Follow the guidelines for abbreviations and symbols of the IUPACIUBMB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature.
Data submission to sequence databases
Authors are expected to complete data entry and annotation forms for the appropriate nucleotide (DNA/RNA) or protein sequence database(s). Pertinent accession numbers should be provided with the submitted manuscripts. Deposition of data in the appropriate database(s) is required before acceptance for publication in Hikobia.
Page limits and charges
There is a limit to 20 printed pages including tables and figures. With approval of the Editorial Committee, additional pages may be published at the author’s expense. Color images and figures may be accepted and colorprinted at the author’s expense after consultion with the Editor.
Authors do not receive free offprints. If offprints are required, orders and payment must be made when the proofs are returned.
Detailed instructions to authors. Contact the Editorial Office.
- Address: c/o Department of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Kagami-yama 1-3-1, Higashi-hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan
- E-mail:
- Fax: +81-82-424-7452
PDF version
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デジタル自然史博物館 / 広島大学 / ヒコビア会のトップ | 植物 にもどる