提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
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Glossary of "Plant Biology (1st ed.)" by Graham et al. (2003)
- A complex branched polysaccharide that blocks up plasmodesmata at the site of wounds in plants.
Glossary of Plant Systematics (1st ed.) by Simpson (2006)
- A polysaccharide, composed of beta-1,3-glucose units, which lines the pores of sieve areas and sieve plates of sieve elements and is commonly deposited within pollen tubes.
- Graham, L. E., Graham, J. M. & Wilcox, L. W. 2003. Plant Biology. -xxxv + 497 pp. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River.
- Simpson, M. G. 2006. Plant Systematics. -xi + 590 pp. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford.