内田・井上・向井・坪田 2012
- 内田慎治・井上侑哉・向井誠二・坪田博美. 2012. 広島県宮島におけるウエマツソウSciaphila secundiflora Thwaites ex Benth.(ホンゴウソウ科Triuridaceae)の発見. Hikobia 16(2): 193-196.
- 広島県廿日市市宮島で初記録となるウエマツソウSciaphila secundiflora Thwaites ex Benth.を報告した.
Uchida, S., Inoue, Y., Mukai, S. & Tsubota, H. 2012. New locality of Sciaphila secundiflora Thwaites ex Benth. (Triuridaceae) on Miyajima Island, SW Japan. Hikobia 16: 193-196.
Sciaphila secundiflora Thwaites ex Benth. (Triuridaceae) was discovered for the second time in Hiroshima Prefecture on Miyajima Island, southwestern Japan, in July, 2011. In the study site, this species was found growing associated with S. nana Blume and Burmannia championii Thwaites on a forest floor with rich humus in vegetation corresponding to the Symploco–Pinetum densiflorae, Myrsine seguinii subassociation, Symplocos glauca variant, liana facies with Japanese red pine, Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc., disappearing from the vegetation due to pine wilt disease. This forest type is a red pine forest associated with many evergreen trees and shrubs, particularly characterized by the presence of big lianas. Discovery of S. secundiflora on Miyajima Island symbolizes good nature conservation on this Island. Although the second habitat was discovered, S. secundiflora be designated as an endangered species (EN) in the Red List of vascular plants in Hiroshima Prefecture judging from the rarity and fragility of the species in the prefecture.
内田慎治・井上侑哉・向井誠二・坪田博美. 2012. 広島県宮島におけるウエマツソウSciaphila secundiflora Thwaites ex Benth.(ホンゴウソウ科Triuridaceae)の発見. Hikobia 16: 193-196.
広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 にもどる