提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
このカテゴリには 5,249 ページが含まれており、そのうち以下の 200 ページを表示しています。
(前のページ) (次のページ)3
- A
- A-
- Abaxial
- ABC model
- ABC transporter proteins
- Abiotic
- Abiotic factors
- ABO blood group
- Abortion rate
- Abortion ratio
- Abortive
- Abrupt
- Abscise
- Abscisic acid
- Abscission
- Abscission zone
- Absolute density
- Absolute fitness
- Absorption spectrum
- Abundance
- Abyssal plain
- Acaulescent
- Accelerated transformation
- Accession number
- Accessioning
- Accessory bud
- Accessory fruit
- Accessory part
- Accessory pigment
- Accommodated three-item statement
- Accommodated three-item statements
- Accrescent
- Acetolysis
- Acetone powders
- Acetyl
- Acetyl CoA
- Acetylcholine
- Acetylcholine receptor
- Achene
- Achenecetum
- Achlamydeous
- Achlorophyllous
- Acicular
- Acid
- Acid bog
- Acid mine drainage
- Acid rain
- Acquired characteristics
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- Acrocaulis
- Acrocidal capsule
- Acrodromous
- Acrosomal vesicle
- Actin
- Actin filament
- Actin-binding protein
- Actinodromous
- Actinomorphic
- Actinorrhiza
- Action potential
- Activated carrier
- Activation energy
- Activator
- Active site
- Active solar energy systems
- Active transport
- Active trend
- Activeted carrier
- Actual evapotranspiration
- Aculeate
- Acuminate
- Acute
- Acyl group
- Adams consensus tree
- Adaptation
- Adaptive evolution
- Adaptive immune response
- Adaptive landscape
- Adaptive peak
- Adaptive radiation
- Adaptive valley
- Adaptive zone
- Adaptor protein
- Adaxial
- Additive
- Additive coding
- Additive distances
- Additive effects
- Additive genetic variance
- Additive tree
- Additive variance
- Adenomatous polyposis coli protein
- Adenosine triphosphate
- Adenylyl cyclase
- Adherens junction
- Adherent
- Adjacent character
- Adjectival modifier
- Adnate
- ADP-ribosylation factor
- Adrenaline
- Advanced
- Advanced wastewater treatment
- Adventitious roots
- Adventive
- Adventive embryony
- Aerial
- Aerial roots
- Aerial toors
- Aerobic
- Aerophyte
- Aesthetic arguments
- Aesthetic justification for the conservation of nature
- Aestival
- Aestivation
- Affinis
- Affinity
- Affinity chromatography
- Affinity constant
- Affinity maturation
- Aflatoxins
- Agamospermy
- Agar
- Age dependency ratio
- Age structure
- Agglutination
- Aggregate fruit
- Aggregation
- Aggregative response
- Aggression
- Agonist
- Agreement subtree
- Agroecosystem
- Air layering
- Air Quality Standards
- Akinete
- Alar cells
- Alberts Johnson Lewis Raff Roberts Walter 2002
- Alberts Johnson Lewis Raff Roberts Walter 2008
- Albuminous cell
- Aldehyde
- Aleurone grain
- Alga
- Algin
- Alignment
- Alkaloids
- Alkyl group
- All-plesiomorphic outgroup
- All-zero outgroup
- Allautogamy
- Allee effects
- Allele
- Allele frequency
- Allele genealogy
- Allelic diversity
- Allelic exclusion
- Allelo-
- Allelopath
- Allelopathic substance
- Allelopathy
- Allen's law
- Allometric growth
- Allomone
- Allopatric
- Allopatric speciation
- Allopolyploid
- Allopolyploidy
- Allotetraploid
- Allowance trading
- Allozyme
- Alostery
- Alpha helix
- Alpha particle
- Alpha ray
- Alternate
- Alternation of generations
- Alternative energy
- Alternative mating strategies
- Alternative RNA splicing
- Alternative splicing
- Alternipetalous
- Alternisepalous
- Altruism
- Alu repeat
- Alveolar
- Alveoli
- Amb
- Amber
- Ambient energy hypothesis
- Ambiguous optimization