提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
このカテゴリには 619 ページが含まれており、そのうち以下の 200 ページを表示しています。
(前のページ) (次のページ)A
- Abortion rate
- Abortion ratio
- Acid mine drainage
- Acid rain
- Active solar energy systems
- Adaptive radiation
- Advanced wastewater treatment
- Aesthetic arguments
- Aesthetic justification for the conservation of nature
- Age dependency ratio
- Age structure
- Agroecosystem
- Air Quality Standards
- Allowance trading
- Alpha particle
- Alternative energy
- Anaerobic
- Aquaculture
- Aquifer
- Area sources
- Asbestos
- Atmosphere
- Atmospheric inversion
- Autotroph
- Average residence time
- Barrier island
- Beta particles
- Biochemical oxygen demand
- Biodiversity
- Biogeochemical cycles
- Biogeography
- Biohydrometallurgy
- Biological control
- Biological evolution
- Biomagnification
- Biomass
- Biomass fuel
- Biome
- Bioremediation
- Biosphere
- Biota
- Biotic province
- Birth rate
- Black lung disease
- Body burden
- Botkin Keller 1998
- Botkin Keller 2010
- Breeder reactor
- Brines
- Broad spectrum pesticides
- Buffer
- Buried viable seed population
- Burner reactors
- Capillary action
- Carbon cycle
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon sink
- Carbonate-silicate cycle
- Carcinogen
- Carnivore
- Carrageenan
- Carrying capacity
- Caryopses
- Cash crops
- Casparian strip
- Catalyst
- Cell
- Chaparral
- Chemical-biological theory
- Chemoautotrophs
- Chemosynthesis
- Chihuahuan Desert
- Chimney effect
- Chinampas agriculture
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Chlorophyll a
- Chlorophyll b
- Chromatids
- Chromatin
- Chromoplasts
- Chromosome
- Chronic disease
- Chronic hunger
- Chronic patchiness
- Cilium
- Citric acid cycle
- City planning
- Clay
- Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
- Clear-cutting
- Climate
- Climatic change
- Climax stage
- Climax state
- Closed nutrient system
- Closed system
- Closed-canopy forest
- Coal
- Coal gasification
- Coccus
- Coevolutionary plant-animal associations
- Cofactor
- Cogeneration
- Cohesion-tension theory
- Cohort
- Collenchyma
- Collenchyma cell
- Colony
- Commensalism
- Commercial-grade forest
- Common law
- Common name
- Commons
- Community
- Community effect
- Companion cell
- Competition
- Competitive exclusion principle
- Complementary
- Complete
- Composting
- Compound
- Compound leaf
- Comprehensive plan
- Cone of depression
- Conservation
- Consumptive use
- Contamination
- Continental drift
- Continental shelf
- Contour plowing
- Controlled burning
- Controlled experiment
- Convection
- Convergent evolution
- Convergent plate boundary
- Cosmopolitan species
- Crista
- Crop rotation
- Crude oil
- Curie
- Death rate
- Decomposer
- Deductive reasoning
- Deep-well disposal
- Deforestation
- Demand for food
- Demand-based agriculture
- Demographic transitions
- Demography
- Denitrification
- Density-dependent population effects
- Density-independent population effects
- Dependent variable
- Desalination
- Desertification
- Dioxin
- Direct costs
- Divergent evaluation
- Divergent plate boundary
- Dobson unit
- Dominant
- Dominant species
- Dose dependency
- Dose response
- Doubling time
- Drainage basin
- Drip irrigation
- Early successional species
- Earth system science
- Ecological community
- Ecological gradient
- Ecological island
- Ecological justification for the conservation of nature
- Ecological niche
- Ecological production
- Ecological productivity
- Ecological succession
- Ecology
- Ecosystem
- Ecosystem effect
- Ecosystem energy flow
- Ecotourism
- ED-50
- Edge effect
- Efficiency
- Efficiency improvements
- Effluent
- Effluent stream
- El Niño
- Electromagnetic fields
- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Endangered species
- Endemic
- Endemic species
- Energy
- Energy flow
- Entropy
- Environment