
提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
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  1. Akhter, S., Morita, T. & Yoshida, Y. 1993. Clonal diversity in the agamospermous polyploids of Taraxacum hondoense in Northern Honshu, Japan. J. Plant Res. 106: 167–179.
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  27. Takemori, A., Naiki, A., Takakura, K.-I., Kanaoka, M. M. & Nishida, S. 2019. Comparison of mechanisms of reproductive interference in Taraxacum. Annals of Botany 20: 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcz007 https://academic.oup.com/aob/advance-article/doi/10.1093/aob/mcz007/5305977
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  32. Yamano M., Shibaike H., Hamaguchi T. & Ide M. 2002. Analysis on the distribution patterns of hybrid dandelions (Taraxacum) in Japan collaborated with the “environmental indicator species survey (survey of common wildlife)”. Environmental Information Science 16: 357–362. (in Japanese with English summary.)
  33. Yoshie, F. 2014. Latitudinal variation in sensitivity of flower bud formation to high temperature in Japanese Taraxacum officinale. J. Plant Res. 127: 399–412.
  34. Wu, F.-Y. & Yahara, T. 2017. Recurved Taraxacum phyllaries function as a floral defense: experimental evidence and its implication for Taraxacum evolutionary history. Ecological Research 32(3): 313–329.

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  12. Shibaike H., Uetake T., Kusumoto Y., Yano H. & Ide M. (2005) Genetic diversity of hybrid dandelions and their clone distribution in Kanto plain. Kankyojoho-Kagaku 19: 279–284. (in Japanese with English summary.)
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