提供: 広島大学デジタル博物館
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  • 生物を分類する際の基本単位.
  • いくつかの近縁なにまとめる.
  • 同じ種では,形態や生態が共通する.ただし,同じ種内でもまったく同じであることは稀で,種内で変異が見られる.
  • 種以下の種内分類群として,亜種変種品種がある.


Glossary of "Plant Systematics (1st ed.)" by Simpson (2006)

  • By one definition, a distinct lineage that, in sexually reproducing organisms, consists of a group of generally intergrading, interbreeding populations that are essentially reproductively isolated from other such groups.

Glossary of "Life (9th ed.)" by Sadava et al. (2011)

  • The base unit of taxonomic classification, consisting of an ancestor-descendant group of populations of evolutionarily closely related, similar organisms. The more narrowly defined "biological species" consists of individuals capable of interbreeding with each other but not with members of other species.

"Phylogenetics" by Wiley (1981), p. 7

  • Species-as-taxa are lineages that are independent of other lineages in the sense that they may evolve independently of other such lineages. Species comprise the highest level of taxonomic organization on which the processes of evolution may work.

Glossary of "Ancestors in Our Genome" by Harris (2015)

  • a population whose members interbreed under natural conditions, produce fertile offspring, and are reproductively isolated from other such groups.

Glossary of "Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet (2nd ed.)" by Botkin & Keller (1998)

  • A group of individuals capable of interbreeding.

Glossary of "A Botanist's Vocabulary" by Pell & Angell (2016)


広島大学 / デジタル自然史博物館 / 植物 / アルファベット順 / S | 仮名順 | 生態学 にもどる